Example sentences of "[was/were] about [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The eggs began to hatch after about seven days , and the transparent fry were about 2mm long .
2 When Sir John Harvey-Jones became chairman in 1982 , ‘ effect ’ chemicals were about 34% of turnover ; by the end of the decade , their share was 56% .
3 School fees were about £50-£100 per year ; three years at Oxbridge might cost £600 .
4 ‘ Overall our four shops were about 17% up on last year ’ , though even with this boost , trading in the calendar year will be down on ‘ 91 .
5 The mean concentrations of L289 immunoreactivity in the tumour extracts were about 20% those detected with LW60 .
6 By January 1991 , the tunnellers were about ¾km in from the shaft , somewhere beneath Clifton College .
7 Average milk yields for Red Poll cows in the 1930s were about 3,300kg at 3.64 per cent butterfat , which was better in both respects than the Dairy Shorthorn but below the Lincoln Red .
8 In 1985 the profits of Japan 's big car and consumer electronics industries were about 6% of their sales .
9 The result of this was that net disinvestment in the colonies took place under the Labour government : inflows of funds were about £40 million , while sterling balances grew by £160 million .
10 The annual payments in 1934 were about £6and3/4 ; millions .
11 At first , they claimed that the only items missing from the murder scene were about £400 in cash and two car-tyre pumps .
12 In Colchester , where Red Lion Books has competition from both Waterstones and Dillons , Peter Donaldson reported sales on a par with last year : ‘ A week before Christmas we were about 15% down , but we were saves by strong last-minute sales . ’
13 A number of them were about 10% up on last year , and several were as much as 20% up .
14 Furniture like this involves straightforward cabinet work as most of the pieces were about 8ft high the proportions had to be correct , while the combination of the dark and light woods also helped to relieve the massiveness of the piece .
15 Men with periodontitis or who had no teeth were about 70% more likely to have coronary heart disease than were men with no periodontal disease .
16 The effect of passage through the primate gut has been examined in the tamarins in Amazonian Peru , where it was found that germination success rates were about 70% .
17 The money raised will help finance the London company 's work on the Phase II management contract for the Atomic Weapons Establishment , and reduce its debt levels — on December 31 1992 , the firm 's net borrowings were about £102m , while gearing stood at 78% of shareholders funds .
18 The fact is , USL 's total revenues for 1992 were about $90m and we even made a bit of a profit .
19 In the fixed-commission mid-1960s , profit margins were about 25% on total revenue .
20 They really knew how to raise money and , as a result , the final figure collected was about £1.5 million .
21 The flow of funds into the societies in 1986 and 1987 was about 19bn , two-thirds of which was received as shares and deposits .
22 Last year 's deficit was about £125 million ( although this compares well with the comparable figure for the UK which is almost three times higher ) and this year the deficit will probably be about the same .
23 He found that there were reasons to believe that bodies were placed supine below the pyre and that the average temperature achieved was about 900° C , but the quantity of fuel required was not determined .
24 The BAeSema Ltd joint venture of British Aerospace Plc and Sema Group Plc won a UK Ministry of Defence contract to equip five frigates with command systems : no price was given but a source told Reuter that it was about £30m .
25 He said Mr Ross had still got a bargain as the quoted price for a 1.3 E-reg Montego was about £3,900 .
26 In the same counties , with the addition of Cornwall and Rutland , the median for eighty-five esquires was about £60 compared with £80 from 124 feodary surveys ; several men were worth upwards of £200 and clearly correspond with the first group of gentlemen in the table .
27 At the end of 1985 it was estimated ( OECD 1987 , Diagram 5 ) that the value of bank debts to households in respect of foreign exchange deposits was about $9.5 billion .
28 The annual income of the company at that time was about £100,000 annually , £60,000 from tolls , so an estimated capital expenditure of £25,000 ( in the event £40,000 was spent ) would not have been undertaken lightly .
29 The average amount owed by individual tenants was about £270 .
30 From memory , I believe that the figure was about £100 million when we took office but about £900 million or £1 billion this year .
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