Example sentences of "[was/were] not whether " in BNC.

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1 When considering whether a parent was unreasonably withholding consent to a child 's adoption , the test was not whether the court agreed with the parent 's reasons for withholding consent but whether a reasonable parent would withhold consent in the circumstances of the case .
2 Eventually an old gentleman who had been listening with much amusement to their discussion said that what mattered was not whether the earthworm has an immortal soul but whether it has a purpose .
3 Few believed that war could now be prevented , and hardly anyone understood that the real issue in Moscow was not whether Britain and Russia could prevent war by agreeing on a joint policy of resistance , but whether Stalin could be persuaded not to make a separate peace with Hitler .
4 The question addressed in the judgment was not whether the use of atomic weapons generally was forbidden , but rather whether the particular bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were illegal under international law at that time ( Collier , 1979 , pp. 6–7 ; Falk et al . ,
5 The question on most people 's lips was not whether there would be war but when it would it break out .
6 The important thing was not whether the decision-maker was performing a judicial or an administrative function but whether the decision made affected the rights of those subject to it .
7 The issue was not whether Ho was a communist but whether there was , in principle , any possibility of voluntary , autonomous communism .
8 The issue in Gallagher was not whether an appellant could raise a non-certified point but whether the House itself could depart from the certified question and address what it took to be the true question arising .
9 In Gillick v. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 the central issue was not whether a child patient under the age of 16 could refuse medical treatment if the parents or the court consented , but whether the parents could effectively impose a veto on treatment by failing or refusing to consent to treatment to which the child might consent .
10 The question was not whether the judge had made a wrong decision but whether he had inquired into and decided a matter which he had no right to consider .
11 So far as the Cossacks were concerned , just as much as for the British , the overriding question was not whether certain individuals should be excluded from repatriation because they held non-Soviet passports , but whether the various formations of " Cossacks " as a whole should or should not be repatriated .
12 Just as the importance of the Stanley anecdote was not whether it was true or not , in a sense it does not matter if the Renaissance cultural relations Greenblatt posits actually existed , because the truth of that cultural negotiation is exchangeable for the writing that more directly serves power , in this case the critical writing which establishes the critic as salaried shaman .
13 This year , I am being told that the test was not whether we could deliver our unprecedented number of detailed commitments , as I had thought , but whether we would do a lot more than we said we would do just a year ago .
14 When he found himself in front his main concern was not whether he might hold on to win but whether he would follow the right course .
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