Example sentences of "[was/were] under attack " in BNC.

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1 The windows , black as pitch , were streaming with water , and from time to time doors and windows rattled as if the cottage were under attack .
2 A crash of musketry off to the right flank betrayed that the farms to the west were under attack , but here in the centre , where the road led enticingly to the crossroads , the enemy was still hidden .
3 Soon after the Iraqi onslaught , reports were received that Iraq 's two southern oil-export terminals close to Fao at the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab , Mina al-Bakr and Khor al-Amayyah , were under attack by Iranian warships .
4 An aeroplane , carrying over five hundred passengers , had reported that they were under attack .
5 In the West writers and publishers were nervous of publishing any material about Islam except the most anodyne , and in the East and across the Muslim world progressive voices were under attack , he said .
6 She now thought that the Church was under attack from a Vatican more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people .
7 Anger was , above all , a theatrical phenomenon and Coward exemplified the type of theatre that was under attack .
8 Westmacott could not follow as he was under attack by the Bf109s , but the Controller later reported that the bomber 's ‘ plot ’ had disappeared from the radar screen halfway to Sicily , and Westmacott was awarded a probable .
9 IN THE early fifth century , England was under attack from invading tribes of Picts and Scots .
10 Even Barak Varr , the Sea Fortress of the Dwarfs by the Black Gulf , was under attack .
11 In the mid '70s public expenditure was under attack for a variety of reasons .
12 When his plane was under attack .
13 Evelyn was educated at Emmanuel College , Cambridge , and the Middle Temple , and succeeded to his father 's business in 1627 , by which time the monopoly was under attack and the business itself in financial difficulty .
14 On 8 August , handcuffed to a neighbour on a train bound for Germany , she crawled round offering water to her fellow prisoners while the train was under attack by the RAF .
15 From the mid century with the withdrawal of the regular Roman forces the country was under attack from the Saxon 's and Jutes , this continuing for a period of years when a gradual occupation of Kent took place .
16 Culture was under attack , Gross suggested ; it had to be defended .
17 It was under attack from the law , its sexism was earning it brickbats from sections of the readership , and even the new rock reading section of the market was beginning to note the changes coming over the NME .
18 Unless de Raimes ' castle was falling down by itself , he was under attack from someone , and if no one came for her she could be buried alive , forgotten , trapped in the darkness until death overcame her .
19 An invasion by Uganda-based rebels , launched on the night of Sept. 30-Oct. 1 , threatened the 17-year regime of President Juvenal Habyarimana , who cut short a visit to North America on hearing that his country was under attack .
20 The senator , although not publicly named , issued a strong denial , claiming that he was under attack because of his opposition to Prime Minister Sharif .
21 Mowbray 's hand fell to his sword hilt as he realised that great brass tongue only tolled when the Tower was under attack .
22 ‘ About the same time that Mowbray died , the great tocsin of the Tower sounded , convincing the garrison it was under attack . ’
23 The friar examined the crenellations from which an archer would shoot if the wall was under attack .
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