Example sentences of "[was/were] too close " in BNC.

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1 The Parker Bowles 's lived just 20 minutes from Highgrove , Charles and Diana 's Gloucestershire home , and the princess feared Camilla and her husband were too close for comfort .
2 Most clients were too close to their organisation — they could not see the wood for the trees — to solve many of their senior recruiting problems .
3 They were too close , I promise you , for comfort .
4 A story of marginal interest may make it simply because it was quite easy to sub , whereas another similar story is spiked because the lines were too close together and the margins were very narrow .
5 But he felt , in a way that must seem absurd when the conflict in the Falklands is dramatised repeatedly before it is even over , when the widow of an assassinated president is recreated in large in her lifetime on the epic screen , that these events were too close to be seen clearly , too large and foul and complex to be treated with decorum .
6 It would help to hide the feelings that were too close to his skin .
7 But the others were too close .
8 The trees were too close together and the snow-covered gorse seemed to have a life of its own , blocking our passage with its thick stems .
9 However , after the very successful Central Wales Line trip in June , members started saying that the two trips were too close together .
10 They were too close .
11 Edward Kawak , who won in four successive years ( 1982-1985 ) , mysteriously representing France , Lebanon and West Germany , was too close for comfort in second place ( he was French this time ) .
12 The polls indicated that the result was too close to call and that Mr Major and Mr Kinnock may have to wait well into tomorrow morning to know who will form the next Government .
13 He was too close to his rooms for comfort , and he had achieved absolutely nothing .
14 In a way Mark was too close to home , too much a part of the world whose foundations had just been rocked , yet somehow on the outside .
15 Jack had n't felt bad about that either , for their relationship was too close to be threatened , even by a new baby .
16 The fighting was too close for firearms ; the two men went down together in the darkness and wrestled until another American could discern which was which and hit the redhead hard with the butt of his Colt .
17 Recalling that a similar ploy was used by the IRA in Manchester two weeks ago , they decided the square was too close and instructed staff and customers to get right out of the area .
18 Considered a must-win state , with its vital 21 electoral votes , it was too close to call on election eve .
19 At 4pm Rear Admiral John Tolhurst had already announced to demoralised workers at the Portland Navy base that it was too close .
20 Captain Robin Woodall said in Boston yesterday he overruled a local pilot because he felt the vessel was too close to shoals .
21 It was too close for comfort — and revived memories of Backley 's resounding flop in last year 's world championships in Japan .
22 Perhaps its approach , an uncompromising look at gnarled racism and incipient decay in the Deep South , was too close to the bone .
23 Apart from the almost unspeakably dense prose , I had written the piece in three different colours of pen ( NME is professional , not a fanzine ; you have to type everything ) and signed the piece ‘ Dele Heroin ’ which was too close in pronunciation to ‘ Deal Heroin ’ for comfort .
24 The eyes which met his across the table top were bright with horror and with an excitement which was too close to relish to be comfortable .
25 It was too close to blasphemy to be comfortable .
26 A group of Puritans who felt that the Church of England was too close to the Roman Catholic Church had left England and gone to the Netherlands ; they noticed with regret that their children were becoming Dutch in speech and habits , and some of them decided that their best prospect of remaining both godly and English was to get in touch with the Plymouth merchants , obtain from them financial support and the legal right to found a colony , and go somewhere in America where English bishops would not interfere with them .
27 Billy was too close to the policeman to make any suggestion , though he was at a loss anyway , but Freddie suddenly remembered something he had read in a newspaper about the temperance revivals in the East End of London .
28 But the alliance between State and serf-owners was too close to generate formal dialogue let alone confrontation between them .
29 The Democrats had no obvious candidate once Teddy Kennedy had decided that Chappaquiddick was too close to allow him to run in 1976 .
30 It was too close .
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