Example sentences of "[was/were] only allowed " in BNC.

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1 If the two girls compare notes one day , the New Yorker will complain about the useless articles she read ; the newspaper articles were almost always short , written maybe by hard-pressed critics who were only allowed short articles , further cut down by sub-editors .
2 You were only allowed to have it down to just below the bottom of your ears — which looked absolutely daft .
3 We were only allowed off the site to go to work , and this is where we shift girls scored as we worked round the clock and had to leave the camp after dark when all the day workers had to stay indoors .
4 The more expert batsmen were only allowed to wield a broomstick the following year , while originality in the style and design of the ‘ willow , was to be positively sought after 1891 .
5 Although , officially , steerage passengers were only allowed there at certain times , no-one took any notice if a few people walked the deck .
6 Whilst others were only allowed to keep the night watch once each week , Nicholas undertook it three times .
7 If you were only allowed one food for the rest of your life , what would it be ?
8 Nonetheless as he left her behind with her trunk labelled ‘ D. Spencer , ’ clutching her favourite green hippo — girls were only allowed one cuddly toy in bed — and Peanuts , he felt a deep sense of loss .
9 The children were only allowed to open the present she indicated and only after she had looked at her watch to give the go-ahead to tear the paper off ‘ It was completely mad , ’ says Charles .
10 When we were little we were only allowed to play on the lower bit , in case we fell over this top wall , and it was like a dirt track down there , with bikes and trucks and lord knows what .
11 There were times when we were only allowed out in the streets of Nicosia in groups of four .
12 You were only allowed to wash your clothes once a week .
13 This freedom was rapidly curtailed in the 1980s and local authorities were only allowed to spend a fraction of their receipts from sales on new building in any one year .
14 The droning in her head swelled and faded , swelled and faded repetitively , and a black halo edged her vision as if she were only allowed to behold her world circumscribed by mourning bands .
15 It was impossible , in any case , to bath her , because they were only allowed to let out the bathwater on a falling tide .
16 As source A describes , married women were only allowed to own property after 1882 , and even this land would mainly be kept under their husbands power .
17 There was a time when they were only allowed to sing the last verse , not the first verse , because of this er very nationalistic erm , attitude that it portrayed .
18 And to make the point even more strongly , Lend-Lease was ended at Congressional insistence in August 1945 before the war with Japan was over ; and the Truman Administration was only allowed to grant Britain her first post-war loan on the most ungenerous terms .
19 This Divorce Act was only allowed after proceedings had been taken both in the Ecclesiastical Courts for separation , and in the Common Law Courts for damages .
20 Lamont was given a lower profile for the second week — prompting a Neil Kinnock joke that he was only allowed out at night .
21 He was only allowed to work provided he did so during reasonable daylight hours .
22 It was a cheap alternative to buying from local merchants , but I was only allowed access to the provisions at points of safety such as towns and wells .
23 Sixty years ago mixed bathing was only allowed in the Council swimming baths at Bradford-on-Avon if the bathers were related .
24 The screw was only allowed to be effective where nothing could possibly be effected by its application .
25 If I was only allowed to have one jazz record this would have to be a contender , together with number 8 .
26 As a result , Balder was only allowed to return for a certain period of time , only to disappear and return again .
27 Meanwhile the Midland 's board was only allowed sketchy details about the breakneck expansion .
28 But in the end the resident was only allowed to inspect the security of the chain link fence around the dump .
29 Life became difficult in the erstwhile happy home and the unfortunate girl was only allowed to go for walks in the company of her parents .
30 Catherine received presents , and could continue her lessons , but Heathcliff was made to work on the farm with the men , and , as a farm worker , was only allowed to eat with us in the back-kitchen .
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