Example sentences of "[was/were] her father " in BNC.

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1 Clothes were all very well , they were her father 's life and she knew that all the privileges she enjoyed were hers because of clothes and the stupendous success they had brought him , but she could n't care about them .
2 ‘ It is said of her grandmother that the only members of the cabinet who were not her lovers were those who had reason to believe they were her father , ’ Society Wag , Darling
3 ‘ I never realised you were her father . ’
4 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
5 They were her father 's words and she had never forgotten them .
6 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
7 Perhaps they were her father 's , perhaps not , but she was not going to ask .
8 Her exemplar was her father , a local patriarch and evidently an apostle of Samuel Smiles-type individualism : she omitted reference to her mother in Who 's Who .
9 Ari sat across from the man she 'd been told was her father , appraising him with a critical eye .
10 Maggie gazed at the twenty-foot-long boat that was her father 's main source of livelihood .
11 Victoria knew her Uncle Donald was something to do with the Queen 's castle , and that Aunt Rose was her father 's sister .
12 Her favourite partner was her father ; neither of them could serve to save their lives and most of the balls ended up scattered on the lawn , but they made a handsome couple on the court .
13 She turned now as she heard footsteps coming through the store-room , and there was her father standing by her side .
14 It did open , at seven minutes past , but it was her father who entered the kitchen .
15 Nancy always proclaimed that the only man in her life was her father , who wrote to her faithfully every Sunday , ‘ My best boy friend ’ , she called him .
16 No , it was her father 's attitude that had shocked her .
17 Was her father home yet ? she wondered .
18 Her mother had filled her early childhood with wonderful memories of picnics and riding ponies and of a stream of smiling schoolfriends who were always made welcome , but it was her father to whom she 'd felt closest .
19 The one person it did n't seem eccentric to , because he did n't notice it , was her father .
20 ‘ Who was her father ? ’
21 I feel more that it was her father .
22 And when Sam was snapped topless in Majorca , it was her father who struggled with a photographer to try to save her honour .
23 Yet he was her father , and she was aware , in this instant , that she loved him more than she had ever loved anyone on earth except herself ; more than husband , far more than children .
24 The boarding school was her father John 's idea after a spell at Grianan Training Centre — a school for girls with behavioural problems run by nuns under a strict regime — had failed to quell her rebellious attitude .
25 Jenny , aged 4 years , was her father 's favourite .
26 There was her father , bleeding from the throat .
27 Because you see that was her father 's name , and she did n't get on with her father .
28 So why was it and how come that Madame was claiming that the opposite was true and that it was her father who was the person out of favour ?
29 ‘ Why you ? ’ was her father 's first question , echoing Ellie 's own bewilderment .
30 The only place she could think of was her father 's .
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