Example sentences of "[was/were] definitely [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 The rats , in a panic on the first night , hit the barricade and swarmed everywhere , including some spots where they were definitely not welcome .
2 Segmentation was inhibited at points which were definitely not segmentation points , with the aim of avoiding segmentation errors and speeding computation since this limits the possibilities .
3 ‘ Thanks , Wayne , ’ she 'd said , only a little unsteadily , and Wayne had been able to see that questions or even concerned enquiries were definitely not being encouraged .
4 Well , we had neither : the sun was already moving down into the west , making it difficult to judge depths by water colour , and the seas were definitely not moderate .
5 If the open spaces and checkerboard streets were modern , baroque symbolism , monumentality and voluptuousness were definitely not .
6 His host had mentioned three daughters , but they were definitely not the sort of girls one could tumble into bed and then forget .
7 Several members of the Society like trams so we were definitely not averse .
8 Her thoughts were definitely not with her companions , and after a while they dropped her back at her flat and went on to a club together .
9 But some of the hopefuls were definitely not keen on the idea of stardom …
10 Mr Georgiadis said much of Mr Makallah 's evidence to the inquest had been lies — particularly details on three important issues : Mr Makallah claimed he could not drive , yet other witnesses claimed to have been driven by him ; he denied telling a camp site proprietor that Miss Ward was definitely not killed by wild animals ; and he covered up how he knew her jeep did not have four-wheel drive .
11 Seconded from the Foreign Office as her deputy private secretary , Powell was soon reckoned by his former colleagues to have ‘ gone native ’ , and was widely resented for his continued and easy access to the Prime Minister 's ear , into which he appeared to be whispering something which was definitely not the authorized FO version .
12 All he could remember was that TOWs were shipped at some point ; that ‘ the price asked for the military was twelve million two ’ ; that the aircraft could turn round and abort the delivery if the hostages were not released , which he thought was ‘ a most unusual thing ’ ; and that it was definitely not ‘ the Khomeini ’ with whom he had been doing business .
13 It was definitely not dark .
14 It was definitely not a porpoise .
15 Oral sex was definitely not in favour any more .
16 This was definitely not the case in 1988 .
17 ‘ I was definitely not in my best shape because I had had major surgery in May for an ovarian cyst .
18 Reminding us that Sutherland 's answer was definitely not , Hopkins points out with insight that this negative answer was only possible because Sutherland conflated individual and corporate crime , thus reducing large rambling enterprises with thousands of employees to a single entity .
19 They both wished that Gran would hide her triple portrait : Annigoni was definitely not with it .
20 Islander did her best , but this was definitely not a day for beating the daily run record .
21 Instead , there was a tall , straggly looking tree seemingly at precisely the right spot , but it was definitely not a palm ; no-one could mistake it for one .
22 ‘ I was definitely not going to bow to his pressure , you see .
23 Fair was definitely not being at the beck and call of her wayward emotions .
24 Even her little house was somehow in keeping with this picture , although it was definitely not St John 's Wood and there was no delicate wrought iron balcony with steps leading down to the green garden .
25 that they felt that the exercise as a whole was definitely not worthwhile ;
26 Zeinab , whatever else she might be , was definitely not humdrum .
27 Or consider rhetorical questions like ( 36 ) : ( 36 ) Was Mussolini going to be moderate ? which if the participants believe that whatever Mussolini was , he was not moderate , is likely to convey ( 37 ) : ( 37 ) Mussolini was definitely not going to be moderate Here , by overtly violating the sincerity of a question , once again an implicature is generated by a flouting of the maxim of Quality .
28 He wore cream linen trousers and a pale yellow shirt that was definitely not off the peg .
29 It was definitely not a night to let a friend wander around in a drunken stupor searching for his car .
30 I knew it was definitely not that
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