Example sentences of "[was/were] afraid that " in BNC.

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1 The British had retreated so far from the position they had held at Chicago that Sir William Hildred and Sir Henry Self , in charge of the British delegation , were afraid that they would be overruled by the Air Ministry and BOAC .
2 The city was in chaos and we were afraid that armed men would attack us .
3 They were afraid that owners might respond , as they are entitled to do , by serving a purchase order on the council .
4 Many prophets in the tenth century believed that the world would come to an end in the year 1000 , but according to A. J. Gurevich the legends concerning mass psychoses in Europe as the year 1000 approached originated at the end of the fifteenth century when people really were afraid that the end of the world was imminent .
5 She shone so brightly she could have been freshly painted ; you were afraid that if you touched her you 'd smudge something .
6 The traditional wings of the Labour movement were afraid that Livingstone had unleashed a torrent — and they were right .
7 It was a wonder that we escaped so well , as we were afraid that the Waggon would have crushed us .
8 They were afraid that if the Russian workers proved by demonstration that they were quite capable of managing their own affairs the workers of other countries would ask why their countries were not being governed in the same way …
9 ‘ They were afraid that ‘ Heshang ’ would arouse radical reactions among college students ’ , Su Xiao Kang told the interviewer .
10 We were afraid that Brian might fall off
11 Economists were afraid that the country was over-populated and believed that the problems of poverty and unemployment would be reduced if the surplus hands and mouths would go overseas , but it did not follow that the government was going to pay for them to go .
12 Englishmen were afraid that France might be able to dominate Europe and were determined to hold her in check .
13 Its employees were afraid that the death of the expansionist Moghul Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707 would lead to disorder and disintegration , and events in the next half-century showed they were right .
14 We even stopped going across Vernadsky Avenue , just where the bridge was , because we were afraid that a lorry might come and shove us into the river .
15 Of the remaining seven , three were imprisoned before they could contact the Council , two were afraid that they might be recognised walking into the Council 's offices , one had a ‘ habit so big ’ that he thought it would be a waste of time , and one had never heard of the service .
16 Naturally they were anxious to fire this destructive load before it was too late ; the angle of the chase was depressed to such an extent that they were afraid that in spite of the wadding the contents of their canister might dribble out … already a fountain of glass marbles commandeered from the children had cascaded about the ears of the defenders .
17 They were afraid that he would be unhappy about their success , because he had wanted to be a writer himself .
18 In a recent survey one in five incontinent women were afraid that they smelt and one in nine believed that sexual activity was compromised .
19 They were afraid that she was very ill , so when they saw her looking happy and well , everyone felt better .
20 The , we did er our baths were dating from the nineteen fourteen period and they were getting rather old the , the , the boiler was n't too good and we were afraid that it might burst at some time .
21 Well the other morning we were there and everything was quite in order what the police were afraid that somebody was going to get hurt .
22 It was growing dark , and she thought of sleeping on a bench or under a tree in a remote part of Regent 's Park , but she was afraid that , having spent the night out and returning in a dishevelled state , her landlady might assume the worst and not let her in again .
23 I was afraid that I was doing something wrong .
24 Often she was afraid that when she sent Fenna away she would become like her mother , that there would be nothing , nothing left .
25 On the arrival day he considered going to meet Maggie in Carrick but he was afraid that he might miss her and decided to go to Boyle .
26 It was afraid that institutional investors would be scared away from serving on committees of creditors .
27 She was a poor companion — they had nothing in common — but he hated her being absent and was afraid that , one day , a friend of his would come to see him and ask where she was .
28 At first , she was afraid that he had not turned up because he was not waiting , as he had promised , by Mr Bishop 's kiosk .
29 He was afraid that if Tammuz wound himself up further he 'd cause the rotor to crash .
30 She was afraid that the Monster was going to get her .
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