Example sentences of "[was/were] bear there " in BNC.

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1 Samuel Pepys , visiting his relations at Wisbech thirty-five years later , was equally unimpressed as he passed through ‘ most sad fennes , all the way observing the sad life which the people of the place — which if they were born there , they do call the Breedlings of the place — do live , sometimes rowing from one spot to another and then wadeing ’ .
2 Under German law , though anyone of German ancestry can claim citizenship , and thus the vote , no matter where they were born , the children and grandchildren of immigrants to Germany are not entitled to citizenship , even if they were born there .
3 Very roughly , you are German if your parents are , not because you live in Germany or were born there .
4 ‘ My mother was born there . ’
5 It was not the sort of place you would choose to be born in if you had such a choice , but Kylie Ann Minogue was born there anyway .
6 It had a son to be proud of : Samuel Champlain , founder of Quebec , who was born there around 1569 .
7 My father and mother both died in the Royal Hampshire Country Hospital ; my second grandchild was born there ; my daughter had her appendix removed there and my wife had an MOT there .
8 As a centre of culture , and a meeting place of civilizations , Cordoba remained vitally important through the days when the Jewish philosopher Maimonides was born there in the twelfth century and the Arab philosopher Averroes lived there in the thirteenth ; as a representative of a medieval city it is as eccentric as Palermo — indeed far more so ; for the cathedral at its centre is a mosque slightly disguised ; and the beauty and immense and impressive size of the mosque are constant reminders to the modern visitor that Christendom was a poor relation to Islam , perhaps in many senses , in the period between the eighth and the tenth centuries when it was built .
9 Josiah sailed to America in 1683 and Benjamin was born there 23 years later , the seventh child of his second wife .
10 The shepherd , ‘ sitting in the sun ’ , hardly distinguishable from the poet , ‘ alone in summer shade ’ , guesses that the place was of particular importance to the Hart : he was born there , and returned instinctively to his true home .
11 Our baby was born there .
12 I was born there .
13 Although it 's centuries since Corsica was last under Italian control , the citizens of Calvi claim that Christopher Columbus was born there while the town was under Genoese rule .
14 ‘ I was born there , ’ Miss Honey said .
15 ‘ Debbie was born there and we still have a place there , but not the same one that she grew up in .
16 Stirling remained a favourite with several monarchs : James II was born there , James III preferred it to other residences , James IV added to it , and James V transformed the interior into a Renaissance palace after his marriage to Mary of Guise .
17 Olive was born there and might have stayed in Ireland for good but for the civil unrest created by the Irish demands for home rule at the time .
18 The family Olive Saunderson married into had a story to equal her own , also stretching back to the seventeenth century when Zachariah Field left Yorkshire to settle in Massachusetts as a yeoman farmer Norman Field 's father was born there in 1831 .
19 Mrs Still who lived there and was born there in 1888 , tells me she was the youngest of twelve .
20 I was born there .
21 " I was born there , Miss Adeane .
22 And the other little boy was born there but I used to visit him , I see him on the district and it always came back to me fancy Humphrey 's the only one Should n't mention name really .
23 I was born there .
24 mother 's house in because my father was in in the first world war so my mum had to go to live with my grandmother and er I was born there and er then when my father came home we came back to my mum came back to she ha got a little house somewhere I forget where it was street , does n't s it 's not there any more .
25 Even where individuals have not been to the West Indies themselves , they often live in a household with an older person of the same generation ( e.g. an older sibling ) who either was born there or has spent some time there .
26 I was born there . "
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