Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] suggested " in BNC.

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1 Improved bus services with co-ordinated timetables were widely suggested in the 1976 Green Paper on Transport Policy and in the response of British Railways ' Board to this , Opportunity for Change .
2 These seven pieces of work were designed to enable across-class comparison and analysis , but over fifty other topic-related activities involving art work , mathematics , science , music , environmental studies and various kinds of research were also suggested in order to give each class and its teacher a measure of autonomy over the way their work progressed .
3 Here the letters D and BAL ( the D must be the last letter of the word GRAND ) were probably suggested by a dance hall poster hanging in a bar , and help to convey a ‘ cafe ’ atmosphere .
4 Barton proposed a formalism to reconstruct surface structures from photoelectron diffraction patterns , and scattering-factor corrections were later suggested for object waves .
5 These meetings were originally suggested during the 1860s as a solution for visitors who could not manage to visit individual homes regularly enough .
6 Halpin ( 1980 ) , for example , questions their similarity with the APU lines of development which , because they were tentatively suggested , were specifically not intended as a curriculum model .
7 It was gently suggested to her that in future , for reasons other than decency , she should wear a pair of bikini pants when sunbathing .
8 Significantly no places within 10 miles of London were contacted about the convention and a delegation from the old Anti-Slavery Society was only suggested at the last moment .
9 ‘ There was this one scene where Dustin first did it by coming on very strong as the scene opened and then gradually bringing things down until everything was just suggested by innuendo and gestures .
10 Such wishes are carefully expressed in a manner that neither leaves a permanent record for posterity nor gives the impression that illegality was ever suggested .
11 No alternative government was ever suggested .
12 It was once suggested to me that rather than remove my children from Liphook Junior School , I should try to fight the system from the inside and endeavour to change the school .
13 The rather coy nude which featured on the catalogue cover is so uncharacteristic that it was possibly suggested by Zborowski , to attract attention .
14 It was further suggested that , in the fullness of time , Woosnam had it in him to be rated among the all-time greats .
15 It was further suggested that there were considerable regional contrasts with some local authorities close to achieving their requirements and others seriously lacking in their provision of adult training facilities .
16 It was further suggested that the principal value of the new statement might be for reference purposes rather than for wide circulation .
17 According to Cristina Acidini , who directed the work , the idea of arranging the pieces in an elaborate setting , punctuated at intervals by corbels and caryatids , was probably suggested by the sculptor Foggini , who had been commissioned to restructure the Palazzo at that time .
18 It was also suggested that should the Chancellor need to make urgent calls to the International Monetary Fund , his telephone at home was likely to be more secure than calls from a hotel in Blackpool surrounded by journalists .
19 It was also suggested that some sort of ‘ Irish dimension ’ ( to borrow the term of the 1980s ) be institutionalized by the creation of a Council of Ireland made up of representatives of the Westminster and Dublin parliaments and members from the to-be-created Stormont ‘ Assembly ’ .
20 It was also suggested that the Board had insufficient knowledge of the Highlands and all this made it difficult for them to act correctly .
21 It was also suggested that theologians may need to look at the theology of play in order to gain a more positive understanding of the entertainment role of the media .
22 It was also suggested that a policeman attending court at the trial of the present proceedings might take note of evidence based on the disclosures and use that evidence .
23 Nevertheless , as was also suggested with respect to South Eastern secretarial/office staff , there is the opportunity for computer staff to make a ( semi- ) permanent career out of " temping " , and with the latter group this is made more explicit by the creation of the ( semi ) permanent entity of the company .
24 With regard to day space this has been agreed on a provision of 4m2 per patient and it was also suggested that in addition to providing that space for each resident , there should be extra space to accommodate 2 day patients per sub section .
25 It was also suggested that either or both of the following procedures might be followed :
26 It was also suggested that a proposal had been made to terminate Bloch 's employment .
27 It was also suggested that he was using Interior Ministry files to discredit political opponents , and thereby promote the Czechoslovakian People 's Party to which he belonged , in the lead-up to the June elections .
28 It was also suggested that as highly competitive traders they would in fact probably benefit from the more open European market after 1992 .
29 It was also suggested that this faction was backed by elements in Vietnam who feared a type of democratic " domino effect " if open elections were to take place in Cambodia .
30 It was also suggested that lower success rates among Access students appear to be associated with higher education courses which have relatively low success rates for all students .
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