Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] all " in BNC.

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1 At one of these the courtyard was flooded to represent a Venetian canal , tables were arranged all round , and Caruso sang to the guests as he floated in a gondola .
2 The prison , where some of the dissidents who opposed the Shahs rule were held by SAVAK , was painted up , the street were cleaned , pots of flowers were placed all along the main roads , birds in cages were hung from lamp posts , shopkeepers were given blue coats to wear .
3 Late last night , Tass reported that bursts of automatic fire were heard all around the city as ‘ several tens of thousands of people ’ gathered on Bucharest 's University Square .
4 Rather grudgingly a voice said , ‘ The Prime Minister ’ , and supporting voices were heard all over the room .
5 Your eyes were darting all over me , you could barely speak , your face was burning up with heat … ’
6 Inhibitions were crashing all around her mind and heart and body .
7 Savings groups were formed all over the country and children ran their own campaigns in schools .
8 A short distance south of Trondheim we turned off down a side road to find a quiet spot for lunch , and in a grove of trees we saw redwing , fieldfare and chaffinch feeding young while siskin , blackcap , chiffchaff and willow warbler were singing all around us .
9 Their heat-patterns flared , as if they were blushing all over .
10 Fragments of wicker were scattered all around the room ; a small pile of them marked the drain .
11 During Friday 20 May and Saturday the 21st the fierce chase continued , during which some of the French ships were scattered all over the Channel ; a few , like the Spanish Armada before them , only escaped by sailing right round the British Isles .
12 He loved Meli so much his ashes were scattered all over her grave
13 It was here that Grandfather Denknetzeyan had spent many hours in deep contemplation while the seeds of revolution were scattered all around him , here that he spent his last moments in Moscow before setting out on that final and fateful journey to Petrograd .
14 Every St Kildan family owned a number of cleits and they were scattered all over the island , many of them convenient to the bird cliffs because ‘ fresh ’ birds were much heavier than those that had dried out , and everything had to be carried back to the village eventually .
15 The floor was covered by a large mosaic and I was really getting interested in some of the antics of the guys with beards who were scattered all over it , when I heard the tap-tap of her feet in the distance together with a heavier , more measured tread .
16 He was standing next to her pebble , yelling through a megaphone at the other beetles who were scattered all over the sheet measuring up circles drawn round all the various pebbles .
17 On the other hand , its members were scattered all over the United Kingdom , which made a northern town central .
18 The shots revealed piles of debris on the seabed , sections of aircraft wreckage and personal effects were scattered all around .
19 Cars were parked all along the grass verge outside the church .
20 If there was to be a common external policy , economic and strategic , which appeared more and more desirable , as between the parliamentarily self-governing populations around the world that were deemed all to be parts of one empire , the logical but crazy conclusion must be to defy the impracticability that had been so clear in the eighteenth century and to envisage an imperial parliament .
21 Doors were opening all along the corridor .
22 During the engagement A.A. bursts were exploding all round me , my port plane received a near miss which made a large hole and spattered the aircraft with splinters , which injured my left elbow . ’
23 Many windows were shattered all over Edinburgh , including many at Donaldson 's — its most grievous loss was perhaps the oriel window in the chapel famed in Scotland as one of its earliest figure-stained windows .
24 Vast amounts of capital and capacity were installed all over the world in expectation of continuing rising demand and no technological change .
25 Jesus was aware of her touch even though the crowd were pressing all around him .
26 Not that he could have avoided his post-breakfast greeting — they were daubed all over South Africa 's team bus , parked far too handily outside their Leicester hotel .
27 We had a bit of a party in the Met Office that night , tearful farewells were said all over the place , and I departed the next morning with my kit and a bad headache , ready for whatever Fate had in store for me .
28 They were exhibited all over the world , and appeared in London at the Egyptian Hall in 1829 .
29 He felt guilty thoughts were written all over his face .
30 Reporters and photographers were swarming all over the sanatorium that day .
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