Example sentences of "[is] remarkable [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's remarkable that , in addition to playing 11 cities around the country , the educational programme played to over 5,000 kids and brought many of them to the main theatre in their local cities for the first time in their lives , on subsidised tickets .
2 The two he uses on stage have held up well , though ; it 's remarkable because they 've never been rebuilt and they were made in 1959 .
3 It 's remarkable because we 've been talking about Twickenham to you ever since I think about the second round , and in those days it just seemed a little bit of a dream , but that dream is now just eighty minutes away is n't it ?
4 It 's remarkable where it does go to really .
5 Nevertheless , it is remarkable that despite administrative differences , the problems facing residential care in Flanders and the Netherlands and the recent changes in policy are very similar to those found in the United Kingdom .
6 Indeed it is remarkable that transferring males have the persistence and strength to rise in rank and gain mates for themselves in the face of such opposition .
7 It is remarkable that a cell as overtly dull and structureless as the fertilized egg can give rise to such varied and complex forms .
8 It is remarkable that the present Government have never reflected upon the great increase in public expenditure , and the substantial change in its pattern , which has come about during the past five years in consequence of their policies in the field of the social services .
9 Despite research into some aspects of the error propagation issue in spatial data processing ( e.g. Blakemore 1984 ; Chrisman 1984 ; Drummond 1987 ; Goodchild and Dubuc 1987 ; Walsh et al. 1987 ) , Burrough ( 1986:103 ) correctly points out that ‘ It is remarkable that there have been so few studies on the whole problem of residual variation and how errors arise , or are created and propagated in geographical information processing , and what the effects of these errors might be on the results of studies made . ’
10 It is remarkable that the language of Briggs ' book , a sad commentary on the preoccupation up to now with examinations in England and Wales , should be so accurate in its awful warning of the new system .
11 ( 10.40 ) In this case it is remarkable that the junction conditions place no constraint on the parameter a .
12 It is remarkable that the talks have got so far , even if it has taken six years to get within touching distance of a deal .
13 After all , although in possession of his revenues , he was still excluded from his archbishopric , and it is remarkable that he waited so patiently .
14 Given the type 's fairly low profile in the completed film , it is remarkable that such a large number of Flying Fortresses were gathered .
15 It is remarkable that two out of the three patients here described are children under the age of 10 years whose grievous sufferings commenced almost with their birth and would in all probability have continued to their death had not this infirmary been established . ’
16 It links different activities , yet it is remarkable that , as Simons puts it , self-advocacy proves ‘ a very diverse and plural phenomenon ’ .
17 It is remarkable that simple exponentials provide good fits to all three time-varying components , indicating that three distinct physical processes , possibly in three distinct regions , occurred in the superfluid of the neutron star .
18 Considering the scale of the consequences , it is remarkable that the interviews carried so much weight .
19 It is remarkable that this sexist labelling has continued as long as it has , even though most of the research on differences attributable to sex has not supported these labels .
20 Given the conservative treatment of revenues from lands , customs and feudal dues it is remarkable that the peacetime account of the Crown should have remained so healthy .
21 Having returned to London , the Goldsmiths considered the subject and it is remarkable that , after so many years in which scarcely a mention is made of Stockport in the Minute Books , it now occupied so much of their attention for five years .
22 As instability of h is extremely common , it is remarkable that careful scholars could have been so much aware of this type of evidence , but could nevertheless have rejected it .
23 It is remarkable that this reform , which is so like that at democratic Athens , was the work of oligarchs , showing that there is nothing distinctively democratic about Kleisthenes ' tribal changes , although Herodotus says Kleisthenes introduced the tribes and the democracy , in that order ( vi.131 ) .
24 It is remarkable that the Working Party could be so cavalier in ignoring its own evidence ; it is perhaps even more surprising that no crash research programme was advocated in order to provide a solid base for the allocation of such a vast sum of money .
25 It is remarkable that mental qualities that were selected for these purposes should have stood us in such good stead in the very different circumstances of the present day .
26 Well , time moves on and Maxwell rose from the ashes of this setback , but it is remarkable that the telling verdict of the DTI inquiry should have been so utterly dismissed by the risk-assessors of so many banks .
27 Although Palmer 's theory of the physics of colour was mistaken ( he held there were three discrete forms of light ) , it is remarkable that this entrepreneur and tradesman came so close to a modern account of the physiology of colour vision .
28 It is remarkable that the river Alde immediately south of Aldeburgh is separated from the sea by only about 50 m of shingle at the narrowest part of the spit , which causes a 17 km ( 11 miles ) deflection of the river .
29 Taking everything into account it is remarkable that the Coniston Mines , tucked away as they were amongst these remote mountains in the north-west of England ( and with the smelters so far away ) , were able to sustain so many years of almost unbroken continuity .
30 It is remarkable that the Palestinian Jews transmitted the new strength of their faith to those Jews who had not taken part in the Maccabean revolution and who might well have reacted unfavourably to it .
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