Example sentences of "[is] considerable [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Again , it 's a very interesting feature of our system and not widely understood I do n't think that magistrates are also judges of the Crown Court under the legislation setting up the Crown Court and magistrates do sit in the Crown Court , but these days there 's considerable contact between the magistracy and the Crown Court .
2 Yes , Chair , it 's er , remember at the , the last meeting we touched on the first part of the report , the worry about the issue of closing shops , and rural post offices and garages , and there 's considerable interest from all members er , as to what could be done .
3 There 's considerable argument about this .
4 Anyway , there 's considerable loss of blood , massive lower limb and pelvic damage and some chest injuries .
5 Inevitably there is considerable friction between the two agencies but in the past defence needs in Russia had sufficient priority to give the GRU a lead over the KGB .
6 It would seem , therefore , that there is considerable benefit to be obtained from the use of portfolio matrices , even if this view is not now so widely held in corporate-strategy literature .
7 Established in 1978 , this group has grown rapidly , and there is considerable opportunity for you to gain management experience .
8 There is considerable opportunity for transfer between one degree curriculum and another , at least until the end of the second year .
9 This last point is important since it will be seen from reading through the course that for those who wish it , there is considerable flexibility of approach .
10 One of the advantages of an electronic instrument is that there is considerable flexibility for its positioning .
11 Our range of programmes comprise three broad categories , although these are interrelated , and there is considerable flexibility .
12 When indifference as to terminology is a recurrent feature in the work of only one jurist , and when 80 per cent of all instances of this indifference are found in his work , there is considerable difficulty in supposing that a general rapprochement between legacy and trust had taken place .
13 There is considerable difficulty in getting shortlisted when job sharing , and consequently we have found that job applications need meticulous planning .
14 There is considerable difficulty in ascertaining precisely what was Kim 's relationship with Moscow , since the accounts of Kim 's early life and guerrilla activities contain wide variation , not to mention ideological ‘ realignment ’ to fit in with the nature of Kim 's foreign policy in later years and the state of his current relations with Moscow and Peking .
15 When the need for assistance is not even recognised , there is considerable difficulty for any advice agency in providing assistance .
16 In mathematics , there is considerable difficulty in clarifying for pupils what it is hoped they will achieve in the future , since mathematics , in the way that it is commonly described in the school syllabus , is very heavily concept-laden and learning is almost synonymous with forming new concepts .
17 One result is considerable under-occupation among the elderly .
18 There is considerable variety among different TVEI schemes up and down the country but most , if not all , involve some element of profiling .
19 Finally , there is considerable concern about the need to provide after care for children and their families .
20 At the present time there is considerable concern about concentrations of nitrogen compounds in water containing goldfish .
21 What is illustrated by these attempts to introduce a written constitution an unlikely event in modem times — is that there is considerable concern over the ambiguities and lack of clear codification in an unwritten constitution .
22 I am sure that the Minister will be aware — representing a rural area , as I also do — that there is considerable concern about closures and amalgamations that lead to both defendants and witnesses having to travel vast distances .
23 Is the Home Secretary aware that there is considerable concern that the sort of co-operation that exists regarding the police is not subject to proper democratic scrutiny ?
24 derating with the introduction of the poll tax and , given the present state of agriculture , there is considerable concern about what will happen under the council tax .
25 There is considerable concern in Strathclyde and inside the Educational Institute of Scotland that such delaying ballots may get out of control , and parents in popular schools may decide to vote Yes .
26 A few self-contained University flats are also available to couples , though there is considerable competition for such flats from students already at University .
27 There is considerable species variation in the response of the stomach to alcohol and so animal studies will be cited only where data from humans are inadequate .
28 Although no detailed provisions , independent of agriculture , are provided by the Directive to implement the references to countryside conservation ( because the Directive is based on Articles 42 and 43 of the Treaty of Rome ) the EEC Commission has always stated that there is considerable scope for flexibility in implementing the Directive 's many provisions .
29 As Richards ( 1989 ) discusses , there are currently 26 out of 300 possible landfill sites in Britain which are producing energy on a commercial basis , and there is considerable scope for increased biogas production as there is in West Germany and the USA .
30 Easily Accessible : Weardale was recently classified an ‘ area of outstanding natural beauty ’ and there is considerable scope in the immediate vicinity for fell walking , as well as more gentle ambles along the river Wear .
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