Example sentences of "[is] obviously [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's obviously civil servants deal deal with it .
2 ‘ There 's obviously all the pressure and all the talk about who is going to win the championship .
3 And it 's obviously that one was n't , just did n't want it or it was dead or something and they just left it .
4 That 's obviously that 's I would
5 I 'm in bed reading , so I look at the little security system we have , look at the screen — I do n't know this chap , he 's obviously drunk , and obviously ex-public school .
6 My Lord Mayor , I must confess to being quite surprised by the incredible naivety and complete lack of understanding that 's obviously rampant on the benches opposite with most of the items we 've dealt with today .
7 He wants that three pound fifty five for every ten thousand , that 's obviously thirty five pounds fifty , add on the policy fee , thirty seven pounds fifty .
8 Now you could claim that this work is it 's obviously vocational is n't it .
9 She 's obviously talented — but she needs to curb the tendency to start swaying into hideous Rock Chick territory otherwise it surely will be a case of when-you've-had-a-Number-One-the-only-way-is-down .
10 I would like to say that there have been no negotiations with British Coal erm in relation to this objection as the application is currently in abeyance as it 's obviously subject to a section fourteen direction , but I do n't see anything in there erm which erm alters the the general conclusions er that I 've put in my supplementary paper on this particular criterion .
11 ‘ It 's obviously irritating and awkward for us that they have changed their minds , but they are perfectly entitled to do that ’ , explains George Gordon of the Old Masters department .
12 He 's obviously insecure about money .
13 She 's obviously desperate to hold onto her No. 1 ranking and absenteeism begs the question of her shying away from a confrontation with Graf for fear of losing her ranking points lead .
14 Erm it 's obviously right and proper that a local planning authority if it 's releasing green field sites has to justify why those sites should be released .
15 Well , that 's obviously one of the problems with a recycling centre .
16 Because of his height he 's obviously strong in the air . ’
17 He 's obviously upset .
18 Erm so she 's actually , she 's obviously upset .
19 He 's obviously keen on structures and procedure is the Right Honourable Gentleman
20 Secondly , it 's obviously impossible to look at endomembrane channels using this technique .
21 If laboratories is plural , it would be I E S and you would have the apostrophe after the s then , but it 's obviously singular , cos it ends in y so you put it after the y and the s .
22 It 's obviously best that he continues to believe you 're at the bottom of the Danube , or halfway to the Black Sea by now . ’
23 It 's obviously disappointing that the rights of way network is in such a state .
24 The kind of people who 'll order a guitar like this Manson will argue in reply that : ( a ) a production guitar will never have a handmade guitar 's combination of all the right bits with that extra edge of quality ; ( b ) it 's obviously better to go for a traditional design than some mutant battle-axe because you 're less likely to get sick of it and they 're a lot easier to customise further and there 's nothing better at fitting into virtually any style of music than an S-type or a T-type ; and ( c ) it 's their money , anyway .
25 Yes I mean it 's obviously better to work in both places
26 If if we 're going to talk about common defence and that sort of thing , and common erm aid and erm trouble shooting across Europe , it 's obviously better for as many countries as possible to be within the inner ring of the E C community .
27 Obviously i i bus would be acceptable in certain circumstances , it 's obviously better if one has the choice between bus and rail .
28 Erm er it 's er it 's obviously annoying for me personally , er but the worst thing about it is that it can be done at the drop of a hat , you say , I want information on X. and they say , Yes we can provide .
29 He 's obviously obsessive .
30 The thing is that it 's obviously genuine sentiment and that 's why I like The Smiths .
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