Example sentences of "[is] outside the " in BNC.

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31 Where the purchase of processed or partially processed inputs is outside the direct control of firms there is greater uncertainty about their quality and delivery schedules .
32 Is it in any way relevant that the person required to make discovery , or a document , is outside the jurisdiction ?
33 I do not see on what grounds it could be argued that an amendment on the subject of Capital Punishment is outside the scope of a comprehensive Bill amending the law relating to the methods by which the courts are empowered to deal with offenders .
34 A comprehensive study ( although highly desirable ) would involve much time and effort , and is outside the considerations of this thesis .
35 Thus it is outside the power of industry and commerce to offer a remedy .
36 If after the addition of the agent used , the pH is outside the limits 6–8 , then correction should be made by the addition of small amounts of alkali or acid at the same time as the flocculant. laboratory trials should always be made to ascertain the most effective dosing conditions for the water that is to be treated .
37 Certiorari quashes a decision which is found to be invalid because it is outside the powers granted to the court or tribunal ( ultra vires ) , or has been given in proceedings in which the principles of natural justice were not observed , or where there has been an error of law on the face of the record .
38 A statement which forms the basis of a decision of the court but which , although it would otherwise be considered as binding , is made in a court which is outside the hierarchy of the courts .
39 Another aspect of this problem is that the permission of the occupier may be extended to the visitor for a fixed period of time and thereafter the visitor becomes a trespasser , and is outside the scope of the OLA 1957 .
40 But it is outside the Pru , in the City , where Newmarch 's muscle is wielded to the most dramatic effect .
41 Mr. Newman has argued that the earlier decisions involved the application of prior restraints and exercise of the discretion of the court , whereas the issue of a writ in libel is the first step in an action which a party has a right to take and consequently is outside the principles enunciated in those cases .
42 The contrary argument is that Hambros Jersey is outside the ambit of the section , because the apparent width of the phrase is subject to an implied limitation that the expression applies only to ( 1 ) British subjects and ( 2 ) all persons present in England and Wales at the time of the impugned transaction .
43 By section 38 , an authorised institution other than one whose principal place of business is outside the United Kingdom is obliged to make a report to the Bank of England when it has entered into a large transaction as defined by the section with consequent large exposure to risk .
44 Here again I can quote Graham Greene , though he was writing in this instance about the thriller , which is outside the scope of this book .
45 Some , like this , are provincial , but there is a beautiful head from Athens ( where there is also a parallel in vase-painting , below p. 79 ) , and one can not really apply the word to the masterpiece in this manner , the ‘ Ludovisi Throne ’ ( fig. 83 ) , though one can fairly say that it is outside the main stream .
46 The best known of the cup-marked stones in Islay is outside the chapel at Kilchiaran ; it has a couple of dozen cups , two of which pierce through the slab .
47 While a detailed consideration is outside the scope of this book , it is Important to appreciate the relationship between the built environment and the demand for new housing .
48 A detailed assessment of the majority of the SSAPs is outside the scope of this book , except for SSAP2 which is discussed below and SSAP9 which is discussed in detail in Chapter 12 .
49 Since this turn could take the aircraft off the QDM , then re-centre the L/R needle if it is outside the circle .
50 The wider issue of the extent to which the judiciary may naturally favour certain types of values is outside the scope of this book .
51 The court only intervenes when the tribunal is outside the ‘ scope ’ which has been assigned to it by the legislature ; the judiciary will not intervene if the tribunal has simply made an error within its assigned area since this would eradicate the distinction between review of legality and appeal .
52 The defendant in a fixed date action is permitted to submit a defence at any point before the return day , but if it is outside the 14 day period he or she may have to meet any costs incurred as a result of the delay .
53 He commits the offence if the ‘ victim ’ of his conduct is outside the door .
54 There have to be priorities to meet all your needs — either because a service is not available , or because it is outside the money available — then you will be told this .
55 The social person first moves out of his original position ( role ) ( " the rite of separation " ) ; he then exists for a time in a liminal condition , a threshold of time and space which is outside the ordinary world of secular affairs and is treated as in some way " sacred " ( Van Gennep 's " rite de marge " ) ; finally he moves back into secular society in his new position ( role ) ( " the rite of aggregation " ) .
56 Action outside the school system is necessary also ; though it is outside the brief of this work to investigate the wider social arena in detail .
57 Such work is important , but it is outside the scope of this book .
58 Sam is outside the motel room with two colleagues now .
59 ( I realise this area is outside the AONB but it is within the conservation area . )
60 When that viewpoint is outside the school it is of assistance to corporate management to weigh up its authority and seriousness .
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