Example sentences of "[is] doing and " in BNC.

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1 You should always keep the press up to date with what the band is doing and where you are playing .
2 She seems to thrive on heretical statements and swimming against the tide : ‘ I look at what the cosmetic trade is doing and walk in the opposite direction , ’ she declares with the kind of outspoken defiance that has made her a retailing legend in the decade it took her to turn The Body Shop into a worldwide phenomenon .
3 An outsider , too , can often distinguish between a child ‘ lost ’ in what he is doing and a child intent on ‘ showing ’ what he is doing .
4 Accountability or value for money is not the only reason for knowing what government is doing and having a say in it , but the consumer may have a more direct effect on policy and the producer than any number of democratic arguers .
5 The important thing for the pastor who sometimes directs and sometimes counsels is to know what he is doing and when .
6 Library education will be more effective if the student understands what he is doing and why he is doing it — that is , if new facts can be related to existing knowledge .
7 David Pawson once said : ‘ My ambition is to find out what God is doing and join in . ’
8 To drive a London black cab , you have to pass stringent geographical and driving tests , so you can be sure that any London cabbie knows what he is doing and where he is going .
9 If you 're too busy thinking about what to do next , you wo n't see what your opponent is doing and that spells trouble .
10 And after a meeting of the club 's directors yesterday , Rovers vice-chairman Geoff Dunford revealed : ‘ We are very pleased with the job Malcolm is doing and we are considering giving him the job until the end of the season . ’
11 In each case , the child must not only find a way of getting the adult to notice the object , but she must do this in such a way that the adult is aware of what she is doing and why she is doing it .
12 For example , analysing a transaction between two skilled negotiators requires the study of the overt interaction and the identification of what each one is thinking about what he himself is doing and what his opponent is probably thinking about in the context of what he is saying ( Singleton , 1983a ) .
13 He or she may even know the number of consultants within a particular firm , how it has been performing , what are its key issues , how it has grown over the past year and generally what it is doing and how successfully .
14 Coda has published its report and accounts each year since 1987 because , Turner says , its products are generally sold to the financial directors of large corporations and they always want the security of knowing how a firm is doing and if it will still be around in a few years .
15 As Carolyn observes : ‘ I 'm not a terribly spiritual person but I do believe that she was meant to do what she is doing and she certainly believes that .
16 The teacher can make or mar the lesson , and your interest in what the child is doing and how he is doing it is all important .
17 You will get the lazy child who copies what the next child is doing and these copiers must be helped to think for themselves .
18 His uncertainty principle ( discussed in detail in Chapter 5 ) says that if I know where an electron is I have no idea of what it is doing and , conversely , if I know what it is doing I do not know where it is .
19 This should momentarily distract William from whatever he is doing and raise a laugh from neighbouring tables .
20 But the promise of the student 's higher education is realized when the student is able to raise him or herself out of that state of ‘ delight ’ ( to borrow again from Marjorie Reeves ) and to reflect on what he or she is doing and thinking .
21 I have the right to know what she is doing and , if she is having an affair , it has got to stop because it is driving me out of my mind . ’
22 Des said : ‘ This trip will give me the opportunity to see how the adopted project is doing and feed back some information to Edinburgh . ’
23 Giving marks for written work can help the student to assess how well he is doing and can serve as reinforcement ( either because good marks tell him he is making satisfactory progress or because poor marks will tell him he must make a grater effort ) .
24 Provincial 's board now receives a monthly 20-page package incorporating the key financials , economic indicators and a branch activity report but also market intelligence from each of the 20 branch managers , ‘ saying what the local market is doing and suggesting any good business to be done .
25 Similarly the anglers that can control their terminal tackle , and not only that , but know what it is doing and what they are trying to do with it , with a greater degree of accuracy and confidence , will be winners .
26 Helping governors and parents to see how well a school is doing and explaining or defending the school has now taken on another dimension : comparisons with other schools leads to one set of questions while the extent to which the school is organized in accordance with the national curriculum and within the national framework of pupil assessment leads to different , inward-looking enquiries .
27 You can drive along a motorway for years and see nothing , but once you learn the quivering shape above the verge is a hovering kestrel looking for voles in the short grass , it becomes difficult to pass a kestrel ever again without mentally noting what it is , what it is doing and why it is there .
28 The administration 's response to these dilemmas is , first , to keep as secret as possible what the state is doing and , second , to operate through organizations not formally part of the state apparatus .
29 Would my honourable friend er recognise that just up the River Thames from er the South Thames tech is the Surrey tech which is doing and excellent job with local industry in re-skilling particularly younger people and this partnership with industry , not just dependent on what the government does , but what industry itself does to try and help people get back into jobs with the new challenges that are coming from the difficulties that are presented by higher calibre needed particularly for school leavers and other and will he w would she welcome the Surrey tech 's initiative ?
30 But we 're grateful to Eileen for what she is doing and will continue to do and we 're grateful to John for what he intends to do erm for three years at any stage wha at any stage in which they choose .
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