Example sentences of "[is] therefore [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore unsurprising to note that parents fear the prospect of having a child with Down 's Syndrome , and seek to determine , at a prenatal stage , whether their child is suffering from this handicap .
2 It is significant that in ( David Raymond ) Smith the Court of Appeal had first to perform some surgery on the relationship of mens rea to the actus reus of criminal damage to reach the desired conclusion and it is therefore unsurprising that adverse comment was expressed by some of their Lordships in Morgan .
3 It is therefore unsurprising that such seizures are sometimes confused with panic attacks .
4 It is therefore unsettling to find you pushing an ‘ energy policy ’ for the United States and following the old , oft-disproven notion that we are ‘ running out of oil ’ ( January 26th ) .
5 A comparison is therefore made in Table 4.8 between action and control groups at the time of the second assessment ( approximately six months after the first assessment ) on receipt of some of the main forms of statutory help to those living at home : home help , meals-on-wheels , social worker , community psychiatric nurse , district nurse or bathing assistant , and day care ( day centre or day hospital ) .
6 The computation of stress gradient is therefore made with the stress model equal to The fracture initiation pressure over the interval 2665 to 2689 m is computed to exceed overburden pressure , with the exception of isolated points at 2680. 5 and 2678 m where Pb = I. 0 psi/ft .
7 An edit is therefore made at the start of each shot , and this means that the record machine should be capable of making clean edits , in other words , that it should have the backspace facility ( see page 35 ) .
8 This cutting blade has to be kept sharp to perform its job properly without undue pressure in the hand , and is therefore made from a very hard steel — so hard in fact , that it can be brittle when subjected to a common form of misuse : the correct action with all secateurs is a firm steady squeeze , with no wrenching and definitely no twisting , which can cause the blades to break .
9 History , which can now no longer be considered a concept as such , is therefore made up of the incommensurable relation between these two disjunctive set-ups .
10 A Landsat MSS image is therefore made up of 2342 scan lines , giving the image a size of 185 x 185 km on the ground .
11 He is therefore affected by the rules for hatred as described in the Warhammer rulebook .
12 It is therefore assumed that the later arisings of irradiated fuel from the currently committed AGR stations and virtually all the arisings from any future nuclear power stations ( including Sizewell B ) will need to be reprocessed in plants that succeed THORP . ’
13 Communicative dynamism is therefore assumed to be achieved by the interplay of these three factors : linear modification ( i.e. gradation of position , syntax ) , semantic structure , and context .
14 It is therefore proclaimed to be lawful , provided always this ( and this is the one limit to the exemption which is conferred ) : it must be ‘ in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute ’ .
15 Its existence is one factor obviating Party-military showdowns of the kind which characterised the Khrushchev era , and the formulation and supervision of security policy is therefore placed on a more structured and continuous basis .
16 The credibility of the mechanism from a policy and legal point of view is therefore placed under scrutiny .
17 Emphasis is therefore placed on the process of socialization whereby values are internalized and transmitted from one generation to the next .
18 A contract is therefore concluded to sell at a price P for a set period ( the exact length of this period is of no immediate concern ) .
19 ( An online search of the LISA database found no mention of Hand as an author , and it is therefore concluded that , unfortunately , Hand 's valuable work reported in his thesis remains unpublished ) .
20 It is therefore concluded that this chronic ulcer is a model of imapred duodenal defence .
21 Deciding for oneself what to do causes anxiety , exhaustion , or involves costs in time or resources the avoidance of which by following authority does not have significant drawbacks , and is therefore justified .
22 Seniority is itself based on the length of service to the group as in the classic statement of Japanese company practices ; authority is legitimated by its long record of commitment and respect for seniority is therefore justified .
23 The Germanic tribe is therefore based on shared locality rather than kinship , but it consists of a collection of kinship units each with access to a territory , thus ‘ individual landed property ( of the different families ) does not appear as a contradictory form of communal landed property , nor as mediated by the community but the other way round .
24 The Library Association 's position is therefore based entirely on the rule of law : whatever is published and has not been banned by law is permissible within a library .
25 It is not surprising that the work is therefore based on a critique of idealism and that the concepts used are rather more ‘ idealist ’ than those Marx uses in his later work .
26 These practices have been excluded from the analysis , which is therefore based on referrals from 22 practices with a combined list of 144 614 registered patients .
27 t is therefore said to be ‘ lethal ’ in the homozygous state .
28 Every complex whole is therefore said to contain a principal contradiction and secondary contradictions .
29 A complete skull is therefore defined here as one preserving intact the maxilla and frontal bones and at least half of the cranial vault ( Fig. 3.11 ) .
30 This business is therefore defined as falling outside regulated business ( see page 23 above ) and is exempted from the general COB Rules ; the exemption forms part of the foreign business carve-out .
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