Example sentences of "[is] just possible " in BNC.

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1 It is just possible that you are one of those rare people who has never seriously tried to diet .
2 It is just possible that a diet too low in certain foods will produce iron and calcium deficiency .
3 Rugby will not get any change out of Leicester , but it is just possible that Nottingham are now so fired up that they might escape with the point they need at Orrell .
4 It is just possible that the tide is now turning for social works with the opportunity for specialisation and new roles in the Community Care service .
5 It is just possible that this is a master stroke on the part of the CEGB : focus attention on a topic that really has little to do with the inspector .
6 It is just possible that , because these spiritual things are produced by the mind and are therefore peculiar to individuals , varying little or much from person to person , they represent the real and absolute fact of individuality .
7 It is just possible that , given the choice , they might prefer the risk of an occasional torn ear or scratched nose to the certainty of a totally sexless adult life .
8 Those in the Culpeper vault at Hollingbourne , Kent , fall into this category , though it is just possible that the flat-lidded rectangular shell encasing Elizabeth Culpeper ( d.1638 ) did have an outer case .
9 If you choose where to sit or loiter carefully , however , avoiding the principal sea front by the casino , it is just possible to have an illusory few minutes of the old Biarritz .
10 I suppose it is just possible that Hippodameia was set next her father , Sterope on the other side ( cross-linking the wings , like the archers in the east pediment at Aegina , above , p. 45 ) , and Pausanias was wrong in this point too .
11 It is just possible that this far-off configuration will be unstable , and that the Sun will draw the Moon away into an independent orbit around the Sun , leaving the Earth Moon-less .
12 It is a combination that is just possible but rare .
13 It is just possible that it does exactly the opposite .
14 While either variant may derive from the chronological lists , discussed just below , or from Nesri , it is just possible that Ali 's 833 results from a careless reading of Taskopruzade 's account .
15 It is just possible that d'Ohsson means Molla Fenari , whom he does not otherwise mention ; but even the earliest possible date for Molla Fenari 's becoming Multi , roughly 1380 , is too late to allow for any possibility of his having succeeded Tursun Fakih .
16 The outer surface of the ergosphere is in fact a spheroid of revolution with a radial coordinate r+ which is dependent on the polar angle θ with respect to the axis of rotation : At a radius r+ ( θ ) it is just possible to remain at rest .
17 And it is just possible that Western ideas in psychiatry could be incorporated into a relativity model .
18 It is just possible things will be different next time .
19 It is just possible that this is exactly the situation that we face when , as individuals , we experience these stages , and it may certainly be the situation that , as psychoanalysts , we encounter when we try to reconstruct the phases of ego- and superego-development from the sole evidence of the clinical analysis of individuals ( For instance , I strongly suspect that this fact has seriously misled the Kleinian school in its theory of developmental stages and is still obscuring much of the psychological structure of the psychoses , and perhaps the neuroses too . )
20 If a hacker gains access to confidential files stored on a computer , it is just possible that the law of confidence might be used to prevent the hacker from making use of the information assuming , of course , that the hacker can be identified .
21 It is just possible that these properties would be sufficient , together with the abilities required by specific tasks , to engender a coordinated interdigitation of actions that would ( remotely ) resemble human interaction .
22 To April he explained , ‘ I believe they 're on different pipes to us so it 's just possible their water might be unaffected . ’
23 Of course it 's just possible that she has poor eyesight — a woman like that would be too vain to wear spectacles .
24 ( It 's just possible that the youngsters were expressing a scientific talent rather than a dislike of the press , for their is no denying that McGinty 's ample form would produce an immediate uplift in the balloon . )
25 It 's just possible he never will be .
26 ‘ Well , it 's just possible that anything you had from Emor might still be there .
27 It 's just possible that when the two of you were hunting for a means of rescuing the marchioness she could have pulled herself out and reached firm ground . "
28 ? It 's not an animal , but it 's just possible that it 's a dog .
29 that I work for erm being the Q S has its main headquarters in Derbyshire , so it 's just possible I may be able to get some business contacts in Derbyshire .
30 ‘ It 's just possible that I may be able to help you . ’
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