Example sentences of "[is] [adv] eight " in BNC.

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1 He 's not bad considering he 's only eight and — ‘
2 We have a body that deals with police here and they should be doing there duties , no good the local police tell us there 's only eight members a shift , cos we do n't believe it , they get on the Council and so they someone say what about all these other places that are being robbed of a night time . .
3 It 's only eight thirty . ’
4 ‘ But it 's only eight o'clock ! ’
5 It 's only eight o'clock , for God 's sake ! ’
6 ‘ It 's only eight a.m . ’
7 Er what about your son he 's only eight he
8 You might have too much in bank for family credit , that ten thousand , it 's only eight , in n it ?
9 There 's only eight balloons mum one , two , three , four
10 The other 's only eight !
11 Then she 's only eight .
12 No , it 's only eight five .
13 This is the new , raunchy Kylie ( I use the word ‘ raunchy ’ in its broadest possible sense ) and ‘ Let's Get To It ’ is basically eight desperate attempts at funkiness with two token ballads thrown in for good measure .
14 What was attractive about the American consortium approach — and I must emphasise that it was never a take-over bid , Sikorsky 's stake is only eight per cent — was firstly , we had worked with Sikorsky on and off for forty years .
15 Fifty-two , married to an American , four children but three are steps , girls ; his own boy is only eight .
16 The Alexandra Hospital , run by American Medical Internation , is one of the largest independent acute care hospitals in Britain and is only eight miles away from Mr Souness 's Cheshire home .
17 We all know of the hon. Gentleman 's concern for environmental protection and for tropical and rain forests , but the article in The Guardian — I stress , The Guardian — drew attention to the fact that the proposal was to take only 20 cu m of wood per hectare , which is only eight trees , every 20 years .
18 Reflecting on Down 's immediate future he adds : ‘ You have to remember that the championship is only eight or nine weeks away so the more competitive football we get the better .
19 Although surgery is cited as the main hope for cure , only 7% of patients treated by radical surgery survive five years and the median survival of these patients is only eight months .
20 Note that the credit multiplier in this case is only eight .
21 It 's normally eight .
22 The new fence is just eight centimetres higher than the previous one .
23 She tells me that ‘ the mother is just going through the process of grieving for the child she has n't had ’ ( the child is already eight months old ) : the health visitor 's instruction in the art of creating unpersons has been exemplary , and no doubt she is keen to pass this on to the mother .
24 It 's just eight add two .
25 Now it 's not eight hundred minus a hundred N because it starts of with erm twenty engines on already right .
26 It 's not eight o'clock .
27 She 's nearly eight this year .
28 he 's about eight , he falls on the ground , he 's not really hurt , his legs are tangled up in his bike and he 's trying to get up .
29 ‘ Golly , they say it 's about eight feet tall , black as pitch , covered in scales , breathing brimstone and smashing in the top of the army tank . ’
30 ‘ There 's about eight screws . ’
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