Example sentences of "[is] [adv] often " in BNC.

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1 They are slow and inappropriate , especially if time is at a premium as is most often the case .
2 One is contained in the sentence which is most often mocked in the Preface to ‘ Paradise Lost ’ : 'A schoolboy who reads a page of Milton by chance , for the first time , and then looks up and says ‘ By Gum ’ , not in the least knowing how the thing has worked , but only that new strength and width and brightness and zest have transformed his world , is nearer to the truth [ than the critics ] . ’
3 While men today enjoy later life as one of a couple , for women the experience is most often solitary .
4 After size of library authority , and size of library , the matter which is most often addressed by standards is the number of additions to stock per annum .
5 This remedy is most often needed in chest complaints and gastric or bowel disorders .
6 It comes with prostration , after several days and is most often found in patients of poor vitality , rather broken down weak constitutions who are subject to catarrhal illnesses ; most often needed in the elderly and in young infants .
7 It is the area that is most often relegated to the ‘ we 'll do that when there 's time ’ list and , when it is undertaken , it is in forms that are threatening , unrealistic , irrelevant , time consuming and unused .
8 It is most often used when there is an internal conflict of feeling .
9 Cernunnos is most often described as The Homed One , for his head is adorned with reindeer antlers .
10 Although sometimes appearing as a short man covered in hair , it is most often identified as a wild young bogey-horse , or a cross between a horse and a bull displaying two long , sharp horns .
11 Even when it is , it is most often seen in terms of the size of individual instalment payments , and the length of the repayment period .
12 To this end , we must inculcate in our students not only enabling skills such as fluency in English , particularly written English , IT competence , and the ability to communicate but also creative , problem-solving skills — the phrase that is most often used is ‘ transferable skills ’ — which include a willingness to engage with new concepts and techniques .
13 Later we shall come to look at the practical areas where conflict is most often experienced and what can be done about it .
14 Of the four features of additional information , it is the grammar code that is most often incorrect .
15 The word is most often heard in response to an order to do something : fetch firewood , haul water , etc .
16 This call is most often given just after the female has laid an egg and may be used to attract males for further mating .
17 This method is most often used by market researchers , but is not unknown among sociologists .
18 Its major recommendation , and certainly the one for which it is most often remembered , was ‘ that homosexual behaviour between consenting adults in private be no longer a criminal offence ’ .
19 This attachment to a strong appearance — reality distinction is most often expressed in modern times as ‘ structuralism , .
20 An acronym much-prized among the new Irish on the easternseaboard of the US , Biffo is most often used to describe a gauche new arrival from the motherland , as in : ‘ do n't mind him , he 's only a BIFFO ’ .
21 The connection is most often dealt with by some version of a realist explanation of their ‘ interaction ’ .
22 Cuts are announced , and enforced , by the central government , but it is most often the local authorities that have to implement them .
23 Local bus is most often used to improve graphics performance .
24 It is therefore important that foreign language teachers should know about first language acquisition not only in children in the pre-school period , which is most often introduced to compare with foreign language learning , but also in the learners they are dealing with .
25 Erm and the way this is most often shown like the the th type of convergency they do is that they erm change their vocal intensity to match that of the other person and their pause length is made the same .
26 Though Rose is most often associated with vines and pineapples , he also planted dwarf fruit trees , especially pears , in the St James garden , and earlier in his career he exchanged rare auriculas , anemones , and other flowers with gardeners as eminent as Sir Thomas Hanmer and John Rea [ q.v . ] .
27 In theory , the shareholders have legal control of the company , but in practice this is most often exercised by the directors who between them may have a small minority of the shares with the acquiescence of the institutions which are the major shareholders .
28 Attribute data is most often obtained in computer-readable form direct from agencies whose function it is to collect and distribute such data .
29 This is most often a primary disorder in children but in adults is more commonly secondary to diseases such as diabetes mellitus or scleroderma .
30 In fact , if we look at a conversation like Conversation B or Conversation D , where all the participants are British-born and in their late teens or twenties , it is most often the case that a Creole utterance does not receive a Creole response .
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