Example sentences of "[vb infin] to think of " in BNC.

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1 Teachers will need to think of new ways to plan timetables .
2 However you do need to think of getting your own camera if you want to do any of these things in your own institution :
3 Edwin did not apparently need to think of them and rose to go .
4 I am hoping to meet some of the children before the Marathon and when the pain barrier hits me at around 20 miles I will only need to think of the courage and bravery of these young children to give me the extra incentive I need to finish the race .
5 It made him shudder to think of it now , hardened as he was .
6 She did not begin to think of what she might say to Kathleen .
7 He did not begin to think of her constantly again until the journey back north .
8 He did not begin to think of her constantly again until the journey back north .
9 Because I like you , Breeze , and it makes my blood boil to think of you slaving away as you do .
10 But I do not like to think of her , shutting herself away , unwell. !
11 For the purpose of this book , I should like to think of a smallholding as any parcel of agricultural land of up to ( say ) 100 acres , organized to be worked by one or two people , without paid labour , and through which they can make part or the whole of their living .
12 I would not like to think of myself as a little Boswelly person , and my mother brought me up so much better than I have turned out .
13 I do not like to think of an intelligence such as yours being wasted , Mr Arkwright . ’
14 Rufus was not squeamish , he had not been one of those medical students who become nauseous at their first sight of surgery , but , curiously enough he did not much like to think of all those odd little bones , so alien to him , so unidentifiable , being dug up and sorted out and sifted through in case there should be a human fibula among them or a vertebra .
15 ‘ I can understand it , even if I do n't like to think of her moving far away unless I get a personal recommendation about whoever takes her on . ’
16 It 's changed over the years , but it 's still for what I 'd like to think of as the intelligent , discerning young music fan . ’
17 She did n't like to think of the Alice falling into cop hands .
18 The two ladies at the head of the little queue whispered together , then announced that if Mr Carter had no objection they would be happy to oblige Mr Mullings , as they did not like to think of Mrs Mullings having to face a storm unprotected .
19 you might like to think of .
20 I 'd like to think of something .
21 For she did not like to think of Jonathon sitting a silent audience to the scenes of cold violence in the work-room .
22 You may like to think of the essay as a journey ; in the introduction you give the directions and the likely route that will be taken .
23 I do n't like to think of a painting as pretty or feminine .
24 For a start , Charles did n't like to think of Jacqui in that light .
25 I do not like to think of you out there on the streets in the dark . "
26 doctrine of original sin under the guise of a genetically determined bio-grammar of cultural values , by colleagues who would clearly like to think of themselves as hard-boiled scientific rationalists , both amusing and disconcerting ; but it points up the difficulties of the problem !
27 I do n't like to think of you spending so many afternoons playing panthers and bears with those Chamberlin children .
28 But she was fond of you — she 'd like to think of us having a drink on her . ’
29 A disquieting picture of the girl in the basement came into Ianthe 's mind and she was almost shocked to realise that she did not like to think of her looking after John .
30 He did not like to think of McAllister alone with her , but that was stupid — McAllister was no concern of his , and surely did not need a battered doctor to look out for her .
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