Example sentences of "[vb infin] quickly [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If we do , we must act quickly because our members in the Health Service , Local Authorities and all public services are in danger of being approached by the creation of UNISON .
2 Anticoagulant poisons , poisons affecting the blood system , do not act quickly and would allow time for the ferret to resurface long before suffering any ill effects .
3 Trakback not only helps with your stock control , it also helps you manage your company 's cash flow , by letting you know quickly when you can invoice .
4 Clearly results must improve quickly if Darlington are to preserve the status they attained with such distinction under the leadership of former manager Brian Little .
5 If you are exporting , we can process quickly and efficiently any sterling or foreign currency payments you may receive from overseas customers .
6 The three themes , climbing , centipede and invaders make the youngster think quickly whilst enjoying the fun side of this learning exercise .
7 Then the ball would drop quickly and spin away .
8 The totally unexpected , however , happens , but an issue management system will react quickly and with finesse .
9 We 're holding the gains by effective communiucation between the process and QC operations and by charting the improvement so that everyone can see what has been achieved and can react quickly if they see any deterioration .
10 Checkpoint Cheltenham is still a demilitarised zone , but if Mr Yves d'Ans wants his white masks from the first floor galleries back he should move quickly before the Iron Curtain descends .
11 Within hours , a first-time skier can move quickly and confidently .
12 Doctors hope Christina 's face will heal quickly and that she will be able to avoid plastic surgery .
13 Ndembu explain that the mukula here represents the wish of the tribal elders that the circumcision wounds should heal quickly and cleanly for , as they observe , the mukula gum coagulates rapidly to form what looks like a scab .
14 The petals are the last to go on as these will fade and die quickly if a start is made too soon .
15 By putting those volunteers through a series of rapid tests on-stage , he will soon discover which of them are able of achieving the deep-trance state ; it is only these people who will respond quickly and satisfactorily to his suggestions .
16 This will hatch quickly and eat both Ammophila 's own egg and the caterpillar that was provided for it .
17 It is something to watch , however , and it makes the time go quickly When the team is not working .
18 A a as I say it do it does go quickly when you you know , work , as I say , you got the dogs in the morning , the dogs in the evening and you got to feed them and
19 Well having had chance to peruse the weekend papers and read the various match reports on the game I can only say that the season better end quickly so we can get the scum worshipping out of the way as quickly as possible .
20 Well having had chance to peruse the weekend papers and read the various match reports on the game I can only say that the season better end quickly so we can get the scum worshipping out of the way as quickly as possible .
21 In all cases , however , results will not come quickly but will need years of patient cultivation , experimentation and study .
22 If water can penetrate and collect in joints , the wood will rot quickly unless steps are taken to prevent it .
23 A typical pattern is described by a former minister of transport and subsequent chairman of BR : ‘ Over and over again we could have settled much more cheaply by settling more quickly but , at each stage , we were told that we must not settle quickly because the Government really were going to fight this one to the bitter end …
24 In the hope that the dust would settle quickly and the episode be forgotten , the French convinced the World Cup Chairman Russ Thomas to ‘ close the file ’ , a shabby reaction which outraged press and fans alike .
25 One problem that has arisen is that a new tenant may not settle quickly and may wish to leave even though this may be unrealistic .
26 The task force can travel quickly because it does not have to carry support material with it .
27 If I know the name of Mr. Stavanger 's dentist the police can check quickly whether he has been the victim of any unexplained death . "
28 ‘ You 'll learn quickly when you do have the time , ’ Helen said .
29 He decided that the animals would fatten quickly once they completed their growth , that is reached maturity , and ‘ fatten ’ was the apposite word .
30 I have seen people deteriorate quickly when they give up a routine , believing that this is the right thing to do .
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