Example sentences of "[vb infin] for coffee " in BNC.

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1 You must forgive me , Mrs O'Dell , I fear I can not stay for coffee — I have many other calls upon my time .
2 She did not stay for coffee .
3 He did not stay for coffee but left the hotel and walked down the almost deserted main street .
4 ‘ I suppose Eleanor can stay for coffee , ’ he muttered at last .
5 I shall not stay for coffee .
6 ‘ Oh , you must wait for coffee , ’ said Bob , sobering and turning to signal to the young waiter .
7 We will break for coffee . ’
8 Suggestions are always questions such as ‘ It 's 11 o'clock , shall we break for coffee ? ’
9 And er once you 've had a look at that , you can er perhaps break for coffee , and we 'll have a chat about it after the break .
10 Can we break for coffee ?
11 Okay , shall we break for coffee ?
12 ‘ We 'll ring for coffee . ’
13 Richard Ryder , the Party 's Chief Whip , told his deputy , David Heathcote-Amory , that they should meet for coffee in the conference centre at half-time .
14 Yes , she has got some tickets , a , she 's made some and erm hoping those who ca n't come will buy ticket at least , but if they would bring a bottle you know , something for the prizes er erm they do n't pay for coffee , biscuit .
15 It was difficult while they were actually in the centre , of course , but she made sure she did n't go for coffee or to the staff canteen at the same time as him and she 'd avoided the social club completely .
16 ‘ I did n't come for coffee .
17 Only later did Oliver Michaels come back with the sobering news that the hotel was strangely full of policemen , that there was no breakfast to be had save for coffee and muffins , without a trek to the Albion Hotel , and moreover there was thought to be something odd about Sir Thomas 's death which no one would specify .
18 Would you care for coffee ? ’
19 ‘ Would you care for coffee ? ’
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