Example sentences of "[vb infin] he either " in BNC.

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1 She did not trust him either , considering him to be little more than a teller of comforting lies , her mother 's doctor oozing reassurance from every pore .
2 In any case , if Siward knew fresh forces were coming , you 'd expect him either to gather his forces and try to reverse the battle quickly , or to muster them in the forest and get away before the rest of the enemy could arrive . ’
3 It was not Gandhi 's intention when he originally decided to fast to exert moral coercion on the mill-owners , since coercion in any form was contrary to the aims of satyāgraha , yet despite the unexpected result of his fast Gandhi still felt that he had acted correctly in the circumstances.m The experience did not prevent him either from using fasts as a form of satyāgraha on other occasions with similar results .
4 ‘ I do n't like him either . ’
5 Innocuous though it may seem at first sight , this can be interpreted ( at least in the written form ) in two ways : either ‘ I dislike him ’ ( the most usual reading ) , or , in suitable contexts , ‘ It 's not true that I like him ’ ( for instance , in I do n't dislike him , but I do n't like him either ) .
6 ‘ I do n't like him either , but her mum 's nice , is n't she , John ? ’
7 He sensed that the touch of her attention engendered immoderation , and also that , should she meet him , she would not like him either .
8 Well , she did n't like him either .
9 If the Prince of Wales divorced and remarried the church would not remarry him either .
10 With luck the man would n't recognize him either .
11 I did n't hate him either .
12 The Christian 's concern for the reform of the criminal should never make him either deny the offence or fail to protect society against the offender .
13 But you ca n't eat him either , sir !
14 I did n't answer him either .
15 Do n't you tell him either , because he 'd feel honour bound to do something about it .
16 The poser being , of course , that she could not tell him either the true reason she was here , or even who she really was .
17 Nor was it only Norway that shunned him : the invading Germans could n't stand him either .
18 I do n't respect Damian Flint , she told herself furiously , and I do n't admire him either .
19 If he has it will mean he either intends to defend the action or to admit the debt and make an offer to pay by instalments .
20 ‘ The Bernsteins did n't notice him either ! ’ protests Howard .
21 That did not satisfy him either .
22 That was not unusual on the Monday after a tournament , so I decided to drive to his house in Clapham in the hope that I might intercept him either on the way in from a long lunch or on the way out for a pre-prandial drink .
23 This does n't please him either .
24 In any event an engineer must know his science and particularly the limitations on that knowledge but in general his scientific literacy does not help him either to design a product or to write a computer program to control the product 's function .
25 Homoeopathy did not help him either but at his third visit he commented that he did not know which came first , his sinus problem or his depression .
26 Posters on every lamp post promised a personal appearance of Peter the Panda , representing the Darlington and Stockton Times , but we could n't find him either .
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