Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] demand " in BNC.

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1 We feel that women should formulate their demands now and when we have a true democratic government in El Salvador , these demands will be respected .
2 This market will be appropriate to the skills and operating style of both the farmers and artisans who will meet its demands .
3 When it does n't meet its demands , the ego is likely to feel anxiety or discomfort or whatever it may be .
4 Scottish Sectretary , Ian lang , told them that he could n't meet their demand , although he wo n't know how much money will be allocated to councils until the budget at the end of November .
5 Similarly , the use of contractors is sometimes the only way in which certain organisations can meet their demands for key computing skills .
6 Signor Ripa di Meana said , ‘ If Britain can not meet our demands in two months , it shows a lack of goodwill , and we will definitely go to the courts . ’
7 Accordingly adjustment to payments imbalances would come about since deficit countries would experience deflationary pressures which would constrain their demand for imports and make their exports more competitive due to lower wages and prices .
8 The parents should react calmly and lovingly as normal but under no circumstances should children gain their demands through deliberately having a tantrum .
9 The church is near the Central Market and so , with our microphones , shoppers could hear our demands and many came up to show their support .
10 Farmers have promised more mayhem if their government does not resist US demands for cuts — and they are backed by public opinion .
11 Sometimes a puppy will aggressively resist our demands , or ignore us completely .
12 She is threatening to pull out of the government and join Mr Sharif 's agitation if Mr Ishaq does not fulfil her demands .
13 The chief rubbed out the seventh mark in the earth ; at the look on his face , Kit did not press his demand .
14 Needless to say , this is no reason why feminists should cease their demands ( quite the reverse ) , but it is a reason why the demand for abolition will never be met in isolation ; and even if it were it would be pointless overall , since further anomalies would be created and the burden of injustice simply shifted to other women .
15 We 'd get our demands because anything was done to shut us up and get us out of their offices .
16 ‘ We have established beyond doubt that current TV programmes do not satisfy their demands , apparently because the producers do not know what young people want , ’ he added .
17 This is why modern governments , which must satisfy the demands for fraternal egalitarianism of the sons ( and the daughters ) , must also satisfy their demands for paternalistic beneficence in the form of the modern welfare state .
18 ‘ Before , the tariffs did n't reflect our demand patterns , and the savings averaged have been up to 20% over what they would have been . ’
19 Surplus countries would experience inflationary pressures from an inflow of gold which would increase their demand for imports and make their exports less competitive .
20 De Gaulle held his ground and , not for the first time , even contemplated a break with the Allies rather than accept their demands .
21 He did not even state his demand but waited for the rupee to drop .
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