Example sentences of "[to-vb] dealt with " in BNC.

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1 If you want in Colossians chapter one in verse twenty seven , it 's , it 's given again very simply , again can I use J B Phillips , he puts it like this , he says the secret is simply this , Christ in you yes he says Christ in you , bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come , so what God does he comes in to this situation that 's marred that 's warped , that 's twisted and he comes in by himse , Jesus Christ comes into it , he becomes the central point , the focal point and that circle , it starts to get dealt with , that marred twisted like , it does n't happen being like that , we knew creation straight away , we do n't have to work at that , but he , as we allow him to dwell in us and to work out his purpose , he restores that relationship with God and God starts to fashion us , he starts to work on us and bring us back into how he originally created us .
2 As will be clear from all that has been said so far , it seems that this short time is barely adequate for the person concerned to have dealt with all the issues involved in adjusting to the death of a loved one .
3 A shortish , mild-mannered man , who grew tomatoes and travelled by bicycle , Cutts handled nearly all his business correspondence in his own hand , and liked to have dealt with it all by 9 am .
4 She seems to have dealt with it in a remarkably successful manner .
5 Generally he seems to have dealt with those who came to him with requests by saying that he would do something for them , and then repeating this promise whenever he had to , postponing action for as long as possible .
6 The LEA , then , appears to have been interventive on matters which schools themselves ought to have dealt with , and laissez-faire on other matters in which it had a wholly legitimate interest .
7 Orchard was one of the most distinguished architects of his time and seems throughout to have dealt with works in Oxford and the neighbourhood .
8 ‘ You seem to have dealt with it without too many problems .
9 In the light of his comments on the value of this aspect of the review ( para 2.3 ) , not to have dealt with the professional reports on the individual teachers might be seen as a serious breach of faith .
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