Example sentences of "[to-vb] lost [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 THE market appears to have lost its patience with Saatchi & Saatchi 's proposed disposal of its management consultancy business .
2 Gold seems to have lost its old role as a safe haven .
3 It is an unusual piece of consumer advertising , but Southend is a town that seems to have lost its way .
4 An old favourite is the spinach souffle ( £4.95 ) , light as a politician 's promise ( though the anchovy sauce seems to have lost its bite ) .
5 In particular the block examination at 16+ appears to have lost its justification , when almost all 16-year-olds will go on to further education of some sort , whether in a sixth form or elsewhere .
6 He ought therefore to disappear at the first opportunity , especially since the purpose of his stay , that of meeting Katja Müller , appeared to have lost its point …
7 The salt itself , ’ she remarked sadly of socialism as early as 1958 , ‘ seems to have lost its savour . ’
8 The industry , which once appeared so promising , now seems to have lost its self-confidence .
9 Unfortunately , the company seems to have lost its way of late — even Mr Sugar is on record as saying he has little idea of where the next 1512 is going to come from .
10 By the late 1930s the legal realist movement seemed to have lost its way .
11 A child 's birthday seems to have lost its magic and has just become another consumer oriented status symbol .
12 But , perhaps most importantly , the nation seemed to have lost its pride and its sense of direction .
13 ‘ Britain — a great country which seems to have lost its way . ’
14 ‘ Britain — a great country which seems to have lost its way . ’
15 Thus , the symbol of science in this case seems to have lost its scientific elements and have become anchored in much older images ( perhaps even in the image of a wise man , who has constructed his own Golem within his own brain ) .
16 And indeed , reality seemed to have lost its accustomed hold , just as the day wavered uncertainly between night and morning .
17 Even the dark fall of her hair seemed to have lost its gloss .
18 The whole world seemed to have lost its flavour since she had fallen in love with a man who did n't love her .
19 Someone who is mildly depressed finds his everyday life to have lost its pleasure and interest .
20 Even the dark hair seemed to have lost its shine .
21 Reflecting in 1968 on the difference between him and Communists of the older generation , he said : ‘ They seem to approach reality by way of certain abstract categories , which seem to them to have a lot of meaning and to reflect concrete experience … ; [ whereas ] members of my generation tend to use as a starting point reality as it exists at the moment , they form general concepts on the basis of this reality and they disregard categories which seem to have lost their relevance and to function more as incantations than as concepts . ’
22 Many people were said to said to have lost their nerve in the ‘ catastrophe ’ and in the heat of the moment to have given voice to ‘ comments hostile to the State ’ .
23 Although sufferers appear to have lost their appetite — which is what the word anorexia literally means — their chief worry is weight increase .
24 Shottermill 's three main strikers , Bob Daynes , Nick Wells and Joe O'Shea , seemed to have lost their scoring touch just when 'Mill needed it most .
25 All seem to have lost their support crews in the dark and we are being fed by whoever is at a lock .
26 With the San Fransisco 49ers beating Minnesota Vikings 20-17 , the Cowboys now seem to have lost their chance to stage all their play-off games at home .
27 Overall , Ecclestone and Balestre both seemed to have lost their minds .
28 Some were just curious , and would pretend to have lost their way and hope to be invited to spend a night .
29 So much of the national press seem to have lost their hold on what is real and what is n't .
30 ‘ As my words appear to have lost their power to charm I suppose I may as well diminish myself to beast of burden . ’
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