Example sentences of "[to-vb] once [art] " in BNC.

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1 Zander are so easy to catch once the pack has been located that you hardly need worry about any other aspect .
2 I 'm proposing that we accept this er trading charter draft , and that the Parish Council erm looks to provide once the Czech version as being er provided for us from Czechoslovakia er from the Czech Republic rather , that erm we 'll accept .
3 There is no option to sue once a decision has been made !
4 As mentioned earlier , a Court Scheme can take up to ten weeks to implement once the paperwork has been agreed .
5 Others write letters ( in role ) to relatives and friends in other parts of the country telling them what has happened , and ( for the most part ) excitedly proclaiming how easy it will be to visit once the line is built .
6 We agree to talk once the last bell has rung .
7 The Iraqi Foreign Minister , Tariq Aziz , told the American television network C N N , that the Westerners would be free to leave once the White House made that promise .
8 He is thus encouraged to work quickly , in spite of the likelihood of making errors which are difficult to rectify once the tesserae have become semi-bonded .
9 Oh , sure , it 'll take long enough to complete , but another couple of levels — not difficult to program once the initial stage has been coded — would have pushed it into another league entirely .
10 It is a devastating kick and one that is quite difficult to control once the foot has been set in its downward , attacking motion .
11 It 's like expecting the class system to change once the workers have explained to the ruling class why they do n't like poverty ; or racism to go away once blacks have made clear why they find it oppressive .
12 Small areas , finishing touches and a few stitches in a different type of yarn are easy to add once the knitting is completed .
13 What this appeal is concerned with , however , is only the landlord 's obligation to repay once the lease has expired without breach of covenant , there being neither any obligation on the original landlord to pay over the amount of the deposit to an assignee of the reversion nor any obligation on the original tenant to assign to an assignee of the term his contractual right to receive back the amount of the deposit when and if the condition for its repayment is fulfilled …
14 The importance of this technique is that the young child experiences stimulation of the normal feeding and sucking patterns which prevents reluctance to eat once the operation is completed and the child has recovered .
15 there are but I mean it 's it 's silly for people to say once a man is sexually aroused it 's quite difficult to stop is n't it ?
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