Example sentences of "[to-vb] fall from " in BNC.

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1 He still wanted her body , there was no way he could disguise that , and she , well , she would have to learn to be content with whatever crumbs he was prepared to let fall from his table .
2 The dog-handled pot-lids from Mochlos , for example , seem to show a particular dog relaxing on a particular afternoon in the hot bronze age sunshine ; the crowds in the miniature frescoes seem alive with the excitement of the spectacle they are witnessing , and seem to have been caught mid-shout ; the hoopoes in the Pilgrim Hostel fresco seem at first glance to have fallen from the pages of some bronze age edition of Audubon .
3 Membership of extreme left-wing organizations was estimated to have fallen from 41,000 in 1989 to 29,500 in 1990 , largely because of the collapse of the ( western ) German Communist Party ( DKP ) after the fall of the East German regime .
4 A Ministry of Defence spokesman said yesterday that he appeared to have fallen from one of the offices on the third floor , but declined to surmise why he was visiting the Admiralty .
5 ‘ You seem to have fallen from the top of a Christmas tree , Fräulein , ’ he said spitefully .
6 The marsupial 's population is believed to have fallen from 400,000 in the mid-1980s to around 200,000 today , and the rapid decline is continuing .
7 She is thought to have fallen from an eighth floor window .
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