Example sentences of "[to-vb] a name " in BNC.

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1 In another , a square , parallelogram , trapezium , kite , rectangle and rhombus were illustrated and pupils asked to provide a name .
2 The two were given the VIP treatment after winning Newsline 's competition to find a name for the Telephone Service Unit .
3 Where , then , did and do the remainder , the ‘ others ’ fit : — ‘ on the edge ’ ; in some buffer zone between categories ; or in a hybrid form , grappling both to make a space and to find a name : Fibre Art — Who Are you ? ’ talks of this hybrid form as an ‘ undecidable ’ ( Derrida ) , ‘ something that seems to belong to one genre , but overshoots its borders and seems no less at home in another …
4 TV botanist David Bellamy will help judge the competition backed by Hillhouse International to find a name for the new Wyre riverside centre .
5 It is impossible to hide a name on a publication .
6 This has yet to receive a name and will depart from Waterloo again about lighting up time , 18.00 ish , heading for Southampton but via Andover , the Laverstock avoiding line and Romsey so that the locomotive is facing the right direction for the homeward journey .
7 Angela now has to choose a name for her 7lb 8oz daughter .
8 Happen you doant remember back that far , but when I was nursing Harry that first day we had him , you was the one what was going to choose a name for him .
9 ‘ Mother wishes you to choose a name . ’
10 The tale goes that a little while back , IBM Corp was using street names , reportedly from the Palo Alto town map , as its product code names — Sierra , Summit perhaps — and had been carefully working up the map , so that all you had to do to put a top IBMer into a real flap was to pick a name from the map a couple of streets up from the most recent one you 'd heard of and ask how that product was coming along .
11 The tale goes that a little while back , IBM Corp was using street names , reportedly from the Palo Alto town map , as its product code names — Sierra , Summit perhaps — and had been carefully working up the map , so that all you had to do to put a top IBMer into a real flap was to pick a name from the map a couple of streets up from the most recent one you 'd heard of and ask how that product was coming along .
12 And they would like to buy a name to go with the millions .
13 You could , for instance , to select a name at random , call somebody a Kevin and be seen to be especially rude .
14 Elsewhere an only son and brother is setting out into the great world to win a name and place .
15 Although he had declined to leave a name , he must have hoped to catch her before she returned south .
16 Klaus Mann wrote , ‘ I try to give a name to my longing , to name my inheritance and my duty .
17 Her father had only married her to give a name to the child she was expecting , and now he would never see it .
18 Indeed , this fact is more firmly registered in the layman 's mind than any other , and if he or she were asked to give a name to some species , it would probably be either Tyrannosaurus Rex ( wrongly believed to be the known largest ) , Brontosaurus or Diplodocus , the three most often mentioned .
19 ‘ We 've been unable to give a name to Graham 's condition because we 're mystified by it , ’ he says .
20 From that point on we need to give a name to that person we need to give the environment , that is to say is she inside ?
21 His greatest idea came after he had written his first works and was doing an index for a book : this was to give a name composed of two words , a generic name and a specific or trivial one , to each species .
22 The CBD was distinguished by a dominance of shops and offices which was followed by an area of mixed or changed land-use , showing signs of transition which was difficult to give a name to .
23 Do we have to give a name of a character or
24 Can I ask you though to devise a name that you as a team would wish to be known by , and then I can start er , on the scoreboard .
25 We leave it up to you to invent a name and background as you feel appropriate for your own general and for any heroes you include in your army .
26 The writer did n't have the guts to put a name to it !
27 Constanza is able to put a name to it , she has seen that waterfront before but where ?
28 Being able to put a name to a subject is something that is beyond the capabilities of any current computer system .
29 EDITOR : As we have always said it is YOUR newspaper , although not being prepared to put a name to letters [ even if the name is not for inclusion ] means authors can not collect the £25 Star Letter prize .
30 It was good to put a name — totally meaningless though it was — to two faces he had seen so briefly .
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