Example sentences of "[pos pn] career he " in BNC.

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1 Early in his career he was thought of primarily as a left-arm spinner , and made his debut for Barbados in 1941–2 as such .
2 It 's the first time in his career he has n't come out on top .
3 For the first time in his career he had failed to produce the goods and that hurt his pride .
4 Throughout his career he remained sensitive to criticism which suggested that his view of the world was consistently , unrelievedly and unjustifiably pessimistic , especially after the war which he had found profoundly depressing .
5 Throughout his career he seemed to be around when it happened but the finger of accusation rarely pointed in his direction .
6 Throughout his career he has captured the magic and the frustration of Scottish football , darting arrogantly down the wing in a surge of skill then retreating into a shell of indifference .
7 Throughout his career he has lurched from one extreme to another , noisy then quiet , a prolific goal scorer then a famine victim , a superstar then a substitute .
8 Billy became known to Palace fans as ‘ Rubber ’ and certainly his resilience and adaptability were an unusual feature of the game of those pre-war days , for later in his career he played in the wing-half positions and then , towards the end , as a full-back .
9 During his career he became the acknowledged expert on Scottish Carboniferous stratigraphy and his Presidential Address to the Geological Society of Glasgow , published in 1930 , was a milestone in the investigation of the subject .
10 In the early part of his career he had made a number of smaller , better films such as The Stripper ( 1963 ) and The Best Man ( 1964 ) , before embarking on bigger and more portentous projects such as The War Lord ( 1965 ) and The Planet of the Apes ( 1967 ) , both with Charlton Heston baring his teeth and chest ; Patton ( 1969 ) , an ambiguous biopic about a modern war lord ( for which he won Best Director Oscar ) ; and Nicholas and Alexandra ( 1971 ) , a tedious and simplistic Tsar-trek .
11 ‘ All through his career he 's had the ability to lead and inspire and he 's really got through to our players and conveyed that . ’
12 Once I asked him what he thought of the French system of criminal justice and he replied that during his career he had no time left over from practising our own system to study any other ( which I think is representative of the Bar as a whole ) .
13 His atrocities were numberless ; at the height of his career he struck at whole nations .
14 Another noteworthy aspect of his success has been that throughout his career he has rarely enjoyed the luxury of playing alongside another bowler of similar pace .
15 At one point in his career he became interested in toxoplasmosis and shortly thereafter developed a diagnostic dye test for the disease .
16 Reagan remained a major trade union leader in the film industry until 1960 and there can be no doubt that during this phase of his career he gained much experience relevant to his later career in politics .
17 In his whole life Henry II never fought a battle ; not did Philip until 1214 and although that battle , at Bouvines , turned out to be the victory which crowned his career he did his best to avoid it .
18 That , however , was only half his story : in the course of his career he held so many ecclesiastical offices as to provoke a constant outcry prebends in Hereford and London , the chancellorship at Exeter , the archdeaconry of Worcester , and in the course of 1294 no fewer than fourteen churches !
19 From 1795 to 1800 he was apprenticed to his uncle Samuel [ q.v. ] , during which time in 1797 he started exhibiting at the Royal Academy , and in the beginnings of his career he was indebted in different ways to both Samuel and his other architect uncle , James [ q.v . ] .
20 Early in his career he completed the work begun by his father on the Cachar earthquake of 1869 , and on a catalogue of Indian earthquakes , leading to publications in 1882 and 1883 .
21 For the remainder of his career he continued to serve Edward III , fighting in Scotland , at the siege of Dunbar , in 1337–8 , joining Edward in Flanders in 1339 , and taking part in the battle of Sluys in 1340 and in Edward 's Brittany campaign of 1342 .
22 Throughout his career he was noted for the calm , far-sighted judgement which , combined with appreciation of scholarship , made him such an outstanding administrator .
23 In the course of his career he received many honours from medical , veterinary , and agricultural societies both at home and abroad , including an honorary fellowship of the Royal Society of Medicine .
24 For the rest of his career he was to use his two Christian names , Hugh Kingsmill , as a nom de plume .
25 Though Rose is most often associated with vines and pineapples , he also planted dwarf fruit trees , especially pears , in the St James garden , and earlier in his career he exchanged rare auriculas , anemones , and other flowers with gardeners as eminent as Sir Thomas Hanmer and John Rea [ q.v . ] .
26 During his career he created an ‘ immense , flourishing and progressive business ’ of six mills with some eighteen hand making vats and three paper machines , while still leaving time for his substantial charitable activities .
27 In the earlier stages of his career he followed his brother Dugald [ q.v. ] , ten years his senior and a much more forceful character , to Brighton and then back to Cowlairs and St Rollox in Glasgow .
28 Throughout his career he continued with a series of busts of well-known personalities , such as W. E. Gladstone , Lord Suffield , and General William Booth [ q.v. ] of the Salvation Army , and appealing statuettes , such as ‘ Aphrodite ’ , ‘ The Dancer ’ , and ‘ St George and the Dragon ’ , but more of his time was taken up with monumental sculpture , such as the colossal bronze statue of the Duke of Connaught [ q.v. ] for Hong Kong , those of Queen Victoria for Allahabad and Colombo , Sir William Rose Mansfield , first Baron Sandhurst [ q.v. ] for Bombay , a Cameron highlander for Inverness , and Sir John A. MacDonald [ q.v. ] for the Canadian cities of Montreal , Hamilton , and Kingston .
29 David Peebles joined TCMS from Midland-Montagu , Edinburgh but earlier in his career he worked in Edinburgh for the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank and in South Africa with Nedbank .
30 He also had to make the more crucial choice of whether he wished to become a muderris or a kadi : at this stage of his career he would , of course , become a kasabat kadi .
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