Example sentences of "[pos pn] face was " in BNC.

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1 The redness in my face was no longer of anger , but embarrassment , and even warmth .
2 My face was on dead leaves and dried grass and pieces of twig .
3 Mrs Bowers , 30 , who still bears some scars from the attack last March , told the court : ‘ It felt like my face was physically moving all over the place and burning . ’
4 My face was tingling with fear and I felt in imminent need of a toilet-roll .
5 Trouble was : if my face was Gothic , my hair should be Gothic too .
6 My ice-cream and my face was spattered by the animal 's urine — which had ricocheted from the wall on to me .
7 The blood on my face was not mine — though she was not to know this .
8 My face was so painful I was nearly in tears
9 And he 'd bounce me on my bed and make a ‘ little nest ’ by tucking the ends of the eiderdown under my pillow until all but my face was cocooned .
10 My face was cut with showers of glass from the car 's windscreen .
11 ‘ Then the door fell on top of me and my face was cut by broken glass . ’
12 By the time I got back to my parents ' house my face was grey .
13 My eyes were puffed up and my face was covered with red spots .
14 Wish I knew whether my face was burnt .
15 Crouched beside me looking anxiously into my face was Jane , the other Jane .
16 My face was hot and my hands were shaking .
17 In order to make conversation easier , I lay on my side so that my face was close to him .
18 Not only that but my face was unscarred , unpitted .
19 Every night my mother curled my hair with rags and my face was covered in freckles .
20 But when I moved forward , my face was instantly smothered in cobweb so thick and heavy it seemed like damp , clinging rag .
21 I could n't eat , because of the cuts , could n't drink — they were feeding us milk through straws — and my face was beginning to get septicaemia as we lay in this hut with just this little oil- lamp , and the mosquitoes at night would come and sit on the wounds , and I could n't stop thinking about what was going to happen next in my life , and we had no newspapers and I did n't know what was happening and I could n't cry because it pulled the stitches .
22 My face was as red as a tomato as I was shown to my seat .
23 That my face was getting fat ?
24 My face was banged against the wall and my assailants disappeared .
25 After a couple of squashes I felt very happy and my face was glowing .
26 That seemed to have been what he had in mind , as he put a paw on the back of my neck and bent me forward until my face was squished into the table top .
27 He looked at me closely with those brown-stained eyes not telling anything and I hoped my face was just as calm and natural .
28 ‘ Even if my face was right , my body is not .
29 And I 'm sure my face was a picture .
30 Staring at him from its face was Rock Hardy , the hero of his favourite comic-strip .
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