Example sentences of "[vb base] had to do " in BNC.

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1 So we 've had to do a lot of work ourselves , including researching carefully that we are doing something worthwhile . ’
2 I can cook , as it happens — I 've had to do it ever since I left Pinehurst , and I can tackle most ordinary things .
3 ‘ Technically , it 's one of the most difficult things I 've had to do because his music is based on repeating rhythms that lock together to create composite melodies .
4 ‘ When I think how it was when I joined up … you 're not so badly off down in Florence where at least you 've got a central canteen , but ever since we 've had to do without a resident housekeeper in the smaller stations we 've had to spend half our time teaching mothers ’ boys to cook pasta . ’
5 Yes you 've had to do intervals in oral tests
6 Cos it was due to sail on the same day , on the Sunday , you know what I mean and er it was these locks as I 'm telling you about and her a very , very famous firm and er my correspondence come from London because he had offices was there , you know and erm our erm I 've been at the service as I , if I might say so , but in most people it 's surprising how it get 's round and er the jobs that I 've had to do .
7 Well I , well I , I mean I 've had to do my homework , before I come on this meeting for you , and I , and if I can start at the back and work forwards we have got enough money .
8 This is the first time we 've had to do this interceptor cos I did n't even know it was in and I do n't think Dick did .
9 I 've had to do all your work — ’
10 We 've had to do some very uncomfortable things to put the country on an even keel for the future .
11 Whereas you 've had to do that at Salisbury Park you see ?
12 So they 've had to do it so I mean she quoted me
13 I 've had to do it
14 What I 've had to do this year , or what I 've chosen to do this year
15 I think it is very sad they 've had to do it that way .
16 They 've had to do it during the weekend , a distance of eighty five miles , and it goes across five counties .
17 Well we 've brought the two leagues together and amalgamated them and to do this , obviously the old British League was much stronger than the old National League , and we 've had to do some evening out .
18 They have had to learn to live with one another , to adjust , to get used to each other 's habits , hobbies , friends and relations — the most crucial and critical period for every newly married couple — but they have had to do it all under the full glare of the media .
19 Yet , to a large extent , this is what companies have had to do .
20 And , very hard working people have had to do the fighting for what we have got !
21 Others have had to do it other people in other countries .
22 I know what I have had to do in the service of my T'ang .
23 ‘ The spirits respect me ; I have had to do with the dead for a long time . ’
24 But we have had to do those things .
25 I understand that feeling because we have had to do things that are counter intuitive and very difficult but unless we had driven inflation out of the system we would not have provided a proper platform for secure long term growth .
26 erm I have had to do in my work quite a lot of work coming up against that act , so to speak .
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