Example sentences of "[vb base] to think a " in BNC.

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1 If people want to think a song is about them , it does n't bother me .
2 ‘ I want to think a little first .
3 We have to think a hundred years ahead , not just for the next year or two .
4 I flash upon my own family ; the way I have to think a moment before deciding who to include in my family , whether to include the step-parents or the siblings on my father 's side whom I would not know should I see them on the street , the hastiness of Mom and Larry on Sunday swirls between galleries and sushi , untapered by excess or sentimentality , busy with books and foreign films and the Sunday supplement of the New York Times , the wisdom of Ivy Leagues and schedules too dense to live by , to wake by , to sleep and breathe by .
5 Exactly you have to think a long time .
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