Example sentences of "[vb base] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 People are sensible to ignore these fruitless attempts at philosophy and ‘ content themselves with daily experience ’ and common sense , even if this is merely ‘ feeding upon acorns ’ .
2 Bakers in England content themselves with Hot Cross Buns at Easter .
3 Gerald of Wales , writing in the later twelfth century , says that the Welsh do not build ‘ lofty stone buildings ’ but content themselves with small huts made of the boughs of trees twisted together . ’
4 Supporters of this option claim it reinstates the spectacle of demo-cracy , while critics content themselves with pointing out that it is currently used in Iceland , Bosnia , and parts of Turkey .
5 ‘ It may be that many employed people preserve themselves from anxiety and insight into their real selves by contemplating themselves at work ’
6 For what else could so many well-connected old buffers do if not manoeuvre themselves into and around the Senate ?
7 You would , I know , be the first to agree that , if the critics base themselves on fact and eschew the attractions of hindsight , such criticism is valuable .
8 Logocentrism is the term he uses to describe all forms of thought which base themselves on some external point of reference , such as the notion of truth .
9 A survey I carried out in Brighton last summer indicated that unemployed men report themselves to be much less satisfied with their lives than do employed men .
10 Popay and Jones ( 1990 ) , analysing General Household Survey data , found that lone parents report themselves to be in poorer health more than parents in couples ; and that more lone mothers report poorer health than lone fathers ( see also Hilary Graham 's chapter here ) .
11 They cushion themselves on the silence .
12 It can and will work , but only if heads and governors involve themselves in a true partnership based on mutual trust , respect and understanding .
13 An alternative approach is to seek a better understanding of the developmental processes which seem to be at work by studying young children as they involve themselves in getting to know the language .
14 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
15 The biological positivists did not , however , involve themselves in the detailed specification of penal treatments .
16 We think it against nature if someone so lacks prudence that they involve themselves in great foreseen evil for the sake of satisfying some fairly trifling present impulse .
17 The best people involve themselves in their communities and you will find them playing a role disproportionate to their total numbers in such fields as education , the arts , local government and so on .
18 Human beings form economic relations of many kinds with one another , involve themselves in political relationships or religious ones , live within many kinds of groups , and so on .
19 Clearly , there are real problems in equating society' or ‘ community ’ wholly with the limited , if very important , interactions in which people involve themselves in particular localities .
20 No wonder men and women alike roar and wet themselves with fright and delight as the horns scrape past the boldly offered ( and artificially enhanced ) raison d'être .
21 And so a strong tradition has grown up that teachers must know their pupils , care for them in a general way , interest themselves in their moral development , and give them as many educational opportunities as possible outside the class-room as well as in it .
22 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
23 Writers on architecture such as J. C. Loudon in the 1830s and George Godwin in the 1840s , interest themselves in the houses of the poor ; while in the latter decade not only Dickens but many other novelists are concerned with a variety of living spaces for which the middle class home , rather than the aristocrat 's , sets the standard .
24 Frogs and birds pamper themselves with plumes of pampas grass
25 Along with marketing to attract more customers , the management changes throughout the sector have required that senior academics transform themselves into planners , seeking to attract money towards their work , rather than relying on the previous expectation that it would fall like manna from the principal 's office .
26 However , many difficulties immediately suggest themselves with this use of hoards .
27 A number of explanations suggest themselves for this strange impulse towards self-effacement in men who loved power , besides the official one that it served to maintain the standing of the native authorities in the eyes of the people .
28 ‘ The more it develops , the more possibilities suggest themselves for further development .
29 He prefers the charcoal drawing to the full garish canvas , and this is why , I think , the songs work so well , because , as we listen , individual responses suggest themselves to a line , or a turn of phrase , which by inference , creates a greater sense of empathy and involvement for the listener .
30 The classic example offered is that of the diffident schoolboy , who has learnt the dates of , say , the English kings the previous night but who is so alarmed by his hectoring schoolteacher that he becomes completely unsure that the answers that suggest themselves to him under questioning are in fact the right ones .
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