Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] either " in BNC.

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1 As most protein binding sites on DNA consist of either inverted or direct repeats , we examined the CytR binding sequence in deoP2 for such structures .
2 Y'look like either you got constipation , or y'got somethin' t'say . ’
3 Leaflets are available in the alcove or else speak to either Helen or myself .
4 Count the number of beats in either 15 or 30 seconds and multiply by either four or two to obtain the resting pulse rate .
5 With the introduction of Community Charge all charge payers will pay their annual bill by ten monthly instalments commencing 15th April unless they opt for either annual or half-yearly payments .
6 Within the MA Honours in Modern European Languages , students opt for either a single honours ( one language ) or a joint honours ( two languages ) curriculum .
7 These are expansion cards that plug into your processor 's socket , after you have removed the 80286 , and give you access to either 386 or 486 chips .
8 In the days following the crash controversy arose over the Indian authorities ' refusal to allow European investigators access to either the " black box " cockpit voice recordings or the digital flight recorder .
9 A naughty child will , in this respect , suffer from either a diminution of moral status or , if the fault becomes a seasoned trait , a bad reputation .
10 seal the bag and dispose of either by burning ( incineration ) or , if there is no special waste collection service , in the rubbish bin
11 On one level the Republic often criticises the northern security forces , but it too relies on the RUC : the Garda co-operate with the northern police force and do not , as a matter of policy , deal with either the Army or the UDR .
12 From the five Botanical Eyeshadow Duo boxes , choose the Taupe/Peach harmony for the most simple , eye-flattering effects ; for added emphasis , outline with either Brown or Steel Botanical Eyeliner .
13 ( On most types of training glider it will be possible to get down to the pre-stall buffet and continue with either a slight rocking of the wings or a very gentle inner wingdrop . )
14 After that we intend to either join an existing league or to establish a new one .
15 Apart from clearing Mansell 's name if they upheld the appeal , the FIA tribunal would be of little further use to either the Englishman or his team .
16 In the Scottish universities , students normally enter at 17 rather than 18 , after taking five ‘ highers ’ subjects rather than three A levels , belong initially to a faculty rather than a department , and proceed to either a three-year ordinary or a four-year honours degree .
17 Choose between either the Nyali Beach or Lagoon Reef Hotels ; please refer to the individual hotel descriptions for more information .
18 If the claim is for less , then leave of either the county court judge or of the Court of Appeal is required , unless the decision includes or preserves an injunction ( County Courts Act 1984 , s.77 ; County Courts Appeal Order 1981 , SI 1981 : No. 1749 ) .
19 The transcripts start with either coding segment 1 or segment 2 ; coding segments 1 and 5 are mutually exclusive .
20 The guilty party here is mathematics as 72 does not divide nicely into 300 nor does 300 divide into either 1270 or 2540 .
21 They can often appear normal at birth but then start to either wander about aimlessly as if blind or even in more serious cases show convulsions .
22 Anyone who earns enough to pay national insurance contributions is either ‘ contracted-in ’ to SERPS or ‘ contracted-out ’ because they belong to either an employer 's scheme or a personal pension scheme .
23 If you have to change your autoexec.bat or config.sys files , you must then REBOOT ( restart by either turning it off then on or by using the reset button ) your computer for the changes to take effect .
24 Most anglers who do not night fish settle for either evening or morning , rarely both .
25 Fans live and breathe for either Celtic or Rangers .
26 Whatever the situation , they automatically reach for either the sand or the pitching wedge when hitting short shots .
27 No matter — Motian 's small groups have been ‘ led ’ by Frisell 's electric guitar since the 1980s and in practice , Evans 's complex Walkin' up , or the equally complex interplay of instruments and tempi in Five do more than simply survive with either guitar or saxophone ( or both ) leading .
28 Then follow with either the active toning gel or cream to leave your skin feeling smoother , soft and fresh .
29 They are usually fitted into a timber sub-frame ( hardwood , in preference to softwood ; there 's little point in fitting an indestructible door in a frame that could rot in 10 years ) , and come with either a silvery finish or a factory-applied coating in a limited range of colours .
30 They come with either a silvery anodised finish , or a factory-applied colour coating in a limited range of colours .
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