Example sentences of "[det] extent the " in BNC.

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1 To this extent the region was actually encouraging the formation of richer peasant strata at the expense of the poorer .
2 To this extent the theory can be seen as incorporating the central feature of Wagner 's ( 1976 , 1981 ) interpretation of the phenomenon — the suggestion that further learning proceeds slowly about a stimulus that has formed associations with its antecedents .
3 To this extent the context-specificity of latent inhibition is to be interpreted as a retrieval phenomenon .
4 To this extent the baby is comparable to the total imbecile ; or , if we include its sentience , limited locomotion , and prototypical behaviour , it is not unlike a cat or gibbon .
5 To this extent the wheel has turned full circle and the NHS is back where it was when Mrs Thatcher was so irritated by stories of bad news about health services that she announced her review of the NHS .
6 To this extent the law can be considered to have endorsed the corporatist perspective .
7 To this extent the gifts were tokens , and this basic concept remained , although under Rome , it was possible for individuals to make their own approaches with votive offerings .
8 To this extent the nation still acts as the overriding social group whose existence serves to contain the most damaging effects of the conflict and factionalism which are daily occurrences at lower levels .
9 To this extent the ‘ deterrence theory ’ has ceased to work .
10 The fall in k leads to a rise in the gross return to capital and a fall in the wage ; to this extent the tax is ‘ shifted ’ .
11 Modern linguistics has taken an entirely different road , rejecting the historicist and evolutionist interests of the mid-nineteenth century perhaps with excessive violence , and to this extent the main development of philology in our period worked out known principles rather than anticipating new ones .
12 To some extent the heroes and heroines of classical ballet also use occupational gesture when they indicate hores riding , hunting , lute-playing and singing .
13 To some extent the same idea of an onlooker applies to that of Jaeger , the critic in Enigma Variations .
14 To some extent the difference between this view and the developmental approach is one of semantics : the term ‘ global company ’ does not mean the same to each .
15 However , to some extent the neglect of such important issues of the difference in the meaning of marriage and divorce to men and women , the contradictions in the thinking and behaviour of the two sexes , and the negotiation of their positions has something to do with another presentist shadow : that of feminism .
16 To some extent the majority of us behave in this way .
17 To some extent the charge of inflexibility can also be countered by reference to the provisions sanctioning exception from the National Curriculum .
18 To some extent the very brilliance of the court life led by the sovereigns and its impact on public opinion was their undoing for the fête impériale is indelibly associated with them .
19 To some extent the far greater proportion of farms with large numbers of sheep in Powys , and the much higher proportion of small sheep farms in Cantal , reflects the historically much smaller size of French farms ( including those in the LFAs ) , as illustrated in Table 11 .
20 To some extent the choice of booksellers depends upon the geographical position of the library and its proximity to a large city .
21 To some extent the spending was diversionary because it deflected attention from the cuts that were occurring in the orthodox funding mechanisms for current and capital expenditure .
22 ‘ When a missile hits the head , neck , and to some extent the chest , the results are very serious — or even fatal . ’
23 To some extent the work might be categorised as a study in the various possible kinds of orchestral glissandi ; or indeed as a specious of tuba concerto , for that instrument , so evocative of whales and fog-signals and ships ' sirens , often plays a quasi-obbligato role .
24 Notwithstanding the problems it was clear that I could emulate to some extent the effect of the shoulder rotation ( shoulder torque ) and movement of the wrist ( wrist torque ) .
25 Indeed , the training policy of the ‘ parent ’ body may well dictate to some extent the training policy of the library service . ’
26 The actual handing over of power in Delhi was accomplished amid scenes of tremendous enthusiasm , of which the British found themselves , to their delight and astonishment , to some extent the objects .
27 Because of its long use , especially in writing for academic and administrative purposes , the vocabulary and to some extent the sentence syntax of Standard English have been greatly elaborated .
28 The prevention of ill-health , and to some extent the treatment of existing health problems , could improve if older people had more accurate and relevant information about the factors which contribute to good health .
29 The political fortunes of the Conservative party , based on the evidence of the 1987 General Election , are increasingly regionally-based and reflect to some extent the economic fortunes of the different regions .
30 To many people the idea of a controlling unconscious mind is a threatening one , which explains to some extent the suspicions directed towards psychoanalysis .
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