Example sentences of "[det] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , it may be mentioned that Hassan , Feinstein and Manko ( 1990 ) have recently obtained another particular solution describing the non-colinear case using the generating technique of Gutsunaev and Manko ( 1988 ) as described here in ( 12.56 ) and ( 15.57 ) .
2 Therefore , even if some particular sequence is the best possible protein for some particular function , and would be favoured by natural selection if once it arose , it could never arise in the first place merely by chance .
3 As has been seen , one of the pre-Vienna Convention exceptions to the pacta tertiis rule concerned territorial settlements , or treaties conferring status upon some particular territory .
4 The assertion that some particular type of conduct is morally wrong because it is may appear unsatisfactory but it is unchallengeable .
5 By making a number of corporate alliances a company may also seek to solve the ‘ big and quick ’ problem — alliances often feature a corporate giant like IBM in alliance with , say , a small innovative specialist in some particular type of software .
6 You have been struck by some particular type of person and have found a plausible set of circumstances in which a person of that type would commit a murder .
7 Begin by giving a name to the probability , however low it is , that life will originate on any randomly designated planet of some particular type .
8 All too often students have difficulty or fail in their learning because they have an imperfect grasp of some concept , or because they have not learned some particular skill .
9 Only if the coin list from a site varied in some particular way from the typical pattern would we be justified in drawing any specific conclusion about it : an absence of fourth-century coins , say , would strongly suggest that the site was abandoned in that period .
10 ‘ In order to maintain trover , a plaintiff who is left in possession of the goods must prove that his dominion over his property has been interfered with , not in some particular way , but altogether ; that he has been entirely deprived of the use of it .
11 Transformations of Landsat image data are used in order to combine the information present in the four MSS or seven TM bands in some particular way .
12 The majority of men are accustomed to some particular style of living , and they generally refrain from marriage , if the increased expenses of married life would compel them to live in a manner which would not give them what has been aptly termed their historical standard of comfort .
13 A year after his first interview at Bloomsbury House , he was still saying that ‘ he really wanted some particular friend who would take a close interest in him ’ .
14 Conditional grants are dependent ( in some way ) on the behaviour of the recipient local authority ; for example , central government may require that the grant be spent on some particular expenditure programme ( health , education , transport ) .
15 Thus the name ‘ man ’ is simply a name used for a number of particulars , and any idea of ‘ man ’ is always an idea of some particular man , and simply reminds us of other particulars .
16 You may be using some particular part in the spreadsheet that you consider to be unusual , er you may want to include a page reference , so that er , you can understand it again
17 But if it is desirable to assign a property to an entity , then that will far more frequently , although not invariably , be needed precisely when the property is not an inherent quality of the entity in question ; further , this will especially be so when the property is tied to some particular event — hence the high incidence of present and past participles among postnominals .
18 In electronics , filters are used , for example , to suppress an undesirable signal that occurs at some frequency , to extract sinusoidal signals over some particular frequency band from a wider range of sinusoidal signals and to convert a nonsinusoidal signal into a sinusoidal signal of the same period .
19 Where there is overlap between turns it has some particular significance : signalling annoyance , urgency , or a desire to correct what is being said .
20 Wilcox led her down the broad central aisle , with occasional detours to left and right to point out some particular operation .
21 This last judgement ( although it is commonly made ) is speculative , of course , as the scribe is normally anonymous , but it is analogous to rejecting live speakers from a random sample on the grounds that they do not speak as we think they ought to speak , or rejecting attested spoken forms on the grounds that they are not what we would expect in some particular location .
22 Where a choice is available , however , the librarian will pick his booksellers carefully , trying to gain access through each to some particular advantage : a good shelf stock in certain subjects , from which the librarian may make a personal selection in the shop ; a link with the American book trade ; a quick service for urgent requests ; an agency for required series of foreign books ; a technically knowledgeable and reliable staff ; an annual sale of slow-selling books at reduced prices .
23 credit card or trading check which can be used only in specific shops ) ; or it is unrestricted , where the borrower gets a loan of money which he could in practice use for whatever he wants ( even if he has in fact arranged to use it for some particular purpose ) .
24 When we try to look into ourselves we always seem to come upon some particular thought or feeling , and not upon the ‘ I ’ which has the thought or feeling .
25 ‘ Such gagging of bona fide public discussion in the press of controversial matters of general public interest , merely because there are in existence contemporaneous legal proceedings in which some particular instance of those controversial matters may be in issue , is what section 5 of the Contempt of Court Act was in my view intended to prevent . ’
26 The simpler level is a search for the correct output for some particular instance .
27 Could insight about the music of one disabled artist have some particular relevance to other disabled musicians ?
28 A piece of meat , or a cake , or any other baked dish , is ‘ cooked ’ when the temperature in the centre has reached some particular level .
29 Any pupil doing a project on any aspect of a charity 's work or some particular issue should feel free to use any of this material .
30 They may have occasions when they can be called into use for some particular issue , but on the whole there 's no real mechanism for contact between governors and parents .
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