Example sentences of "[adv] stated [that] " in BNC.

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1 IN OUR June edition we wrongly stated that Sutton Coldfield RFC were bringing a £500,000 civil action against a referee who presided over a game in which the club 's colts captain , Ben Smolden , broke his neck .
2 I merely stated that ‘ to my knowledge ’ there was no convincing evidence either way .
3 With only six grades for such a large group of staff , it was not felt sensible , however , to use a system which apparently stated that a post scoring x points was clearly in one grade and yet a post scoring x 5 points was , equally clearly , in a different grade ( all possible scores were multiples of 5 and the range of possible scores was approximately 135 to 1500 ) .
4 In our report on the verdicts of the Giacometti fake trial in The Art Newspaper No. 15 , February 1991 , p.3 we incorrectly stated that Mr David Bernstein was given a two-year jail sentence and fined .
5 In press interviews he arrogantly stated that the Italian schools of dance were too exacting , too inflexible .
6 This time , things proceeded in a more civilised manner and the arrangements concluded at the imperial conferences were enshrined in the Statute of Westminster 1931 , s.4 of which provided , amongst many other things , that for the future , no Act of the imperial Parliament should extend to any of the six Dominions listed above unless it expressly stated that the Dominions in question had requested and consented to the
7 He further stated that the military threat from the Soviet Union was at its lowest level since 1945 .
8 He further stated that the party should not exert pressure or impose its will in any way and that the elected people 's councils should be " really democratic " .
9 IN yesterday 's Daily Post we inaccurately stated that The Cambrian News at Aberystwyth intended closing its printing works department and that a number of jobs would be lost as a result .
10 And it was not Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery who once stated that : ‘ I once saw a bowler in Australia thunder to the wicket and bowl a flatout underarm to the batsman .
11 They also stated that he had received funds from North Korea .
12 It also stated that no new coal-fired power stations need to be ordered before 1990 or 1994 .
13 They also stated that his kind regard for his employees was unique in the entertainment world .
14 He also stated that although in acute illness low potencies could be effective , in chronic conditions high potencies were much more likely to produce good results if the most similar remedy could be discerned .
15 The document also stated that ‘ reactionary leaflets ’ which had been circulated in Sera monastery in Lhasa were found at Dorje Wangdu 's home and that he had ‘ distributed symbols of personal protection ’ ( amulets blessed by a high lama ) , brought ‘ from abroad ’ , to monks in Ganden monastery .
16 He also stated that the sole surviving Gresley V2 will be in steam in the museum grounds on September 5 and 6 since she is a very popular exhibit with the public .
17 It also stated that ‘ 90 per cent of the respondents indicated that their experience in the programme had helped them to see more clearly the forces at work in their lives and had in fact helped them to take more control over their lives ’ .
18 I also stated that when I felt that things were going well and the government was settled I would take a trip and that trip starts now .
19 It also stated that any mental health worker can be a key worker , and permitted reviews in informal settings or by telephone , provided that these are documented .
20 The patient also stated that the pain increased and subsided — but never totally went away .
21 The President also stated that it was time " to offer our hand to the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe " and time " to build on our new relationship with the Soviet Union ; to endorse and encourage a peaceful process of internal change towards democracy and economic opportunity " .
22 He also stated that no change in surveillance practices had been ordered .
23 Collor also stated that interest payments on the $115,000 million foreign debt would not exceed $5,000 million in 1990 .
24 He also stated that subversion had its roots in social injustice and that while he trusted the armed forces , they had to act within the Constitution and to respect human rights .
25 He also stated that his government would confine its discussions with the federal government to matters of immigration , communications and labour , and would maintain bilateral relations with individual provinces on issues of mutual concern .
26 The report also stated that physical and psychological torture was routinely used against those in police custody and in prison .
27 He also stated that he had expressed the hope that the Soviet Union 's relationship with communist North Korea would improve and that Gorbachev could assist in encouraging the North Korean government to undertake a programme of political and economic reform .
28 It also stated that the RSFSR " reserves the right freely to leave the USSR " according to procedures established by USSR law .
29 Aquino also stated that Marcos remained banned from the country on " national interest and security grounds " , despite her frequently stated desire to return so that she could bury her husband 's body in his native soil .
30 He also stated that the Corsican economy could develop harmoniously around the tourism industry .
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