Example sentences of "[adv] 70 per " in BNC.

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1 A more typical , fairly niche campaign burst would achieve coverage of perhaps 70 per cent , spread over 30 spots and yielding total TVRs of some 150–200 .
2 The slower tester ran just below 70 per cent of MHR and found it uncomfortable to push any harder for 10 minutes , let alone 20 .
3 There is general agreement that Chlamydia trachomatis is the pathogen responsible for a high percentage of cases of NSU , but the best isolation rates still remain below 70 per cent of cases and are more usually in the region of 40 to 50 per cent .
4 But to begin with it will cover only 70 per cent of the country , excluding large chunks of the south coast where the cost of air time is highest and the pressure for competition greatest .
5 This display of aesthetic preference is not absolute , but probabilistic : given a choice between two colours that we know from learning experiments they can distinguish reliably — purple and blue , for example — the bees will choose their favourite , purple , only 70 per cent of the time rather than 100 per cent .
6 ‘ We are only 70 per cent fit for international rugby — and the players are well aware of that ’ , said coach Alan Davies .
7 On top of this , food eaten eight miles up needs extra seasoning because at altitude taste buds are only 70 per cent efficient .
8 They 've tried hard to reach owners of models that could be a potential problem but have still reached only 70 per cent of them .
9 The Pilgrim Trust 's survey of a sample of unemployed men included some 170,000 wives and it was calculated that these women ate only 70 per cent of the calories consumed by men , rather than the 85 per cent recommended by dieticians .
10 Even the ‘ sunnier ’ east received only 70 per cent of normal sunshine and Stornoway 's 22.9 hours represented the second dullest February on record ( since 1881 ) , the dullest being 1943 with 21.7 hours .
11 Already 70 per cent of the capital 's annual total of 13.5 million tons of waste goes to counties outside the city .
12 Households in affluent suburbs threw away 70 per cent more paper and cardboard , 80 per cent more plastic , and 25 per cent more glass , whereas households on low-income council estates threw out more tin cans and significantly more " putrescibles " , i.e. food wastes that can be used to make compost " perhaps because the more affluent homes had compost heaps in their large gardens .
13 Approximately 70 per cent of the course is devoted to design and technology studies and 30 per cent to related studies .
14 ( 1989 ) , in their study of the evaluation of NHS nursing homes ; they reported that approximately 70 per cent of the nursing home population showed mild/severe dementia .
15 Approximately 70 per cent of development expenditure was to be financed from foreign assistance and loans .
16 Approximately 70 per cent of the students graduate with upper second class or first class degrees , providing a substantial pool of talent from which graduate students can be recruited .
17 They report that nationally 70 per cent of the population thought Woonerven to be attractive or highly attractive .
18 The latest official evidence shows that just under 70 per cent of adults with a disability — 4.2 million people — are over the age of 60 , compared with 25 per cent of the general population .
19 Ethnic Georgians , who constituted just under 70 per cent of the republic 's population , were assumed to have voted almost unanimously in favour .
20 Only 37 per cent agreed that employers handled applications efficiently and fairly against nearly 70 per cent who thought that universities and polytechnics did so .
21 Out of the 167 women interviewed , nearly 70 per cent did stereotyped female work and/or held appointments in agencies carrying out tasks considered of particular concern to women .
22 Since the stock of dinar assets held by households has risen much more slowly than this , the proportion of household assets held in foreign exchange accounts has steadily grown : while in 1980 this proportion was less than 40 per cent , by the end of 1986 it had reached nearly 70 per cent .
23 Moreover , while 5 per cent of Afro-Caribbean men and 13 per cent of Asian men are in professional and managerial occupations , 19 per cent of white males are in such jobs ; but it is important to note that the ‘ Asian ’ category conceals significant material differences , with 25 per cent of African Asians being in the professions and managerial employment , and nearly 70 per cent of Bangladeshi workers occupying semi-skilled or unskilled jobs ( Brown , 1984 ) .
24 Before World War II , Brazil introduced high rates of effective protection for local manufacturers against imports ( up to nearly 70 per cent during the 1960s ) and thus created a strong and enduring anti-export bias ( Balassa , 1985 : p. 27 ) .
25 Nearly 70 per cent of seasonal , temporary or casual workers are also part-timers compared to only a quarter of fixed contract workers .
26 Even in the United States there was a considerable change : in 1984 about 60 per cent of Americans thought of the USSR as an ‘ evil empire ’ , according to the Los Angeles Times , but by late 1987 nearly 70 per cent took a different view .
27 A poll carried out into the reasons why people voted for the SDP candidate in the Warrington by-election of 1981 revealed that only 9 per cent did so because they supported SDP policy ; 8 per cent did so because they admired the well-known candidate ; and nearly 70 per cent voted for negative " reasons — the most frequently cited being their opposition to the extremism of the two established parties .
28 There is a very heavy concentration on securities of all types , amounting to nearly 70 per cent .
29 Tshisekedi , who in 1991 had headed a " crisis government " for a three-week period beginning Sept. 29 [ see pp. 38423 ; 38515-16 ] , received nearly 70 per cent of the votes cast by the 2,651 national conference delegates .
30 The parish register from 1 January 1813 to 31 December 1817 records the occupations of 74 men , of whom 51 ( that is nearly 70 per cent ) were framework knitters ; the rest comprised 12 labourers , 2 woolcombers , 2 blacksmiths , a framesmith , a farmer and grazier , a publican , a gardener , a tailor , a brick mason and a soldier .
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