Example sentences of "[adv] used it " in BNC.

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1 If properly used it could improve the quality of life by a considerable degree .
2 According to the family he rarely used it except on Sundays when he spent the afternoon and evening with an old chap who used to work for the firm and now lives in sheltered accommodation at Carbis Bay .
3 But there were plenty of beautiful and recognisable faces to be seen amongst the anonymous , but none-the-less powerful , fashion editors , still enough buying power in this room alone to rock empires , even if no house made a profit from the couture but rather used it for a loss-leading advertisement and a mark of prestige .
4 Belonged to an old lady who only used it once a week for shopping . ’ ’
5 I 'm glad I did n't buy a sling because I only used it a couple of times .
6 The House passed this by 416–0 , and the Senate by 88–2 , and Johnson constantly used it later when he stepped up American involvement in Vietnam .
7 In fact I had it for six months and I never did plug it into an amplifier ; I just used it in the dressing room . ’
8 According to author Dr Eve Roman , ‘ it made no difference whether a woman worked on a VDU as part of her general day , whether she just used it occasionally or whether her only contact with a VDU was that it happened to be in the same room ’ .
9 ‘ I just used it .
10 No state station was intended to operate short wave ( SW ) , but in those states where existing radio stations already used it , they were allowed to continue doing so .
11 I always used it on the tongue or used dexies and black bombers , y'know , swallowed pills and things .
12 We hardly ever used it , but it 's a great standby , and very quick . ’
13 Lanfranc 's collection of Canon Law was in the library at Canterbury , but there is no evidence that Anselm ever used it while he was archbishop .
14 Indian English preserves others in aspic : tiffin , a light lunch ; stepney , a spare wheel ; culturable , dated by the Oxford dictionaries back to 1796 and who in England ever used it since ?
15 On a small landing at the turn of the back staircase there was the lavatory reserved for gentlemen only — neither Maman , Aunt Tossie nor any visiting lady ever used it ; and , of course , he servants had their own " outdoor " in the cobbled courtyard beyond the gun room .
16 And if she ever used it where it was overheard , the eavesdropper would consider the activity admirable ; for George Hudson was still the Railway King .
17 Night porter , Q is lifts to all floor , and S is swimming pool and I know there 's a swimming pool because not that I ever used it , but ma it , it was when I booked Francis .
18 but er I was the only one that ever used it and I used it about once or twice and then , like like , I used it for about
19 Perhaps only William Joyce could have taken for his text , as he once did , Edmund Burke 's axiom , ‘ In politics magnanimity is often the truest wisdom ’ — and promptly used it to show the necessity for the extinction of Jewry .
20 I pointed out that the ground was once part of Tip Farm and that on rainy days Bob Crudge still used it for artificial insemination .
21 The amendments provided in particular ( i ) that the word " Socialist " should be removed from the Croatian republic 's name , leaving it as the Republic of Croatia , and that a new flag and coat of arms should be devised ; ( ii ) that the Cyrillic alphabet , still the main medium for the 600,000 Serbs in Croatia ( 4.5 per cent of the republic 's population ) , should be derecognized for most purposes , except in those areas where a majority still used it ; and ( iii ) that the presidency of the republic should be replaced by a new system involving a president and six vice-presidents , while the executive council of the republic should be redesignated as its government .
22 SAFETY ZONE , more like , and I do n't mean ‘ safe ’ as the raggas once used it .
23 Scott was so pleased with the style he had evolved at Battersea , a treatment that humanised industrial forms without denying their function , that he also used it on the Guinness Factory at Park Royal , west London .
24 She also used it to put the fires out .
25 Right from the days of the early caveman when he used fire not only for cooking but he also used it as means of lighting and keeping his family warm er during the winter months .
26 He wrote out cheques from the account to pay his credit card debts , rent arrears and he also used it to clear phone bills and part of £500 taxi bill .
27 It was a bird that would appeal to popular sentiment ; indeed , Gould advocated its adoption as Australia 's national bird , and later used it as a motif on the covers of his Birds of Australia series , showing the male lyre-bird with the beautiful lyre-shaped plumes of its tail raised in courtship .
28 Queen 's Bay Lodge , once known as Easter Duddingston Lodge , was the home of the Jenner family , who later used it as a staff hostel .
29 In fact Pachycephalosaurus had a 10-inch thick skull , and probably used it as a battering ram in ritual contests .
30 He liked the phrase ‘ nature took its course ’ — he often used it in his novels .
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