Example sentences of "[adv] closely at " in BNC.

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1 So , what can you learn from looking so closely at the actor on stage , TV and cinema ?
2 The Council confirmed the broad outline of the present Stock Exchange automated quotation system ( Seaq ) , but agreed to look more closely at specific areas of operation .
3 This argument seems to have had some effect , for while the Chancellor of the Exchequer was asked to look more closely at the dollar costs of overseas forces , the Defence Ministry 's view that no further cuts in forces should be sought was accepted .
4 Looking more closely at the kinds of misbehaviour reported in the Leicester Mercury , the descriptions of crowd offences committed within Leicestershire from 1894 to 1914 do not permit any clear reconstruction of crowd behaviour .
5 Look more closely at the numbers .
6 But look more closely at the statistics , look at what is really happening on the streets and in the shops , look at how people 's lives are changing , and it becomes clear that things are not nearly as bad as they are painted .
7 Peer more closely at the faces : on one side , heading south , all are black ; on the other , heading north , nearly all are white .
8 In 1931 , Horton visited Denmark to look more closely at the Folk Schools and their relationships with the trade unions , farmers ' co-operatives , and other cultural and social movements , and though he was in part disappointed by the fact that the Folk Schools had moved away from their original aims and methods , he was able to speak to many people who were involved in this movement and added another dimension to the idea which was eventually to find its expression in Highlander .
9 I shall be looking more closely at the implications of this point of view later , but here I want to suggest that in emphasising the importance of reflection Dorothy Heathcote has overstated the case .
10 We shall look more closely at the relationship between the dramatic playing and performance modes in the next chapter .
11 Looking more closely at the arrangement of the calcite plates the fivefold symmetry is still in evidence — in this group there are five areas of finer plates ( ambulacra ) radiating from the centre .
12 To understand the basis of this division , we should look more closely at the construction of organisms .
13 I shall therefore look more closely at their teachings , partly because of the ecumenical value of an awareness of their doctrine , but mainly because we can thereby focus much more clearly upon what religions mean by ‘ God ’ .
14 But let us look more closely at what the archives can yield .
15 This can be seen if we look more closely at the issues of policing and economic and social problems .
16 If we transfer this sail to a board which is restrained by its daggerboard from moving sideways , we can look more closely at the driving force ( Fig 18 ) .
17 But let us look more closely at the other six trouble makers .
18 Let us look a little more closely at how that success has been achieved and examine the standards by which it can be judged .
19 This tends to suggest that one should look more closely at the characteristics of those sustained or not sustained at home , and at the decision to admit to an institution .
20 However , when we look more closely at this period familiar declarations and allegations appear .
21 Let us look more closely at the football hooligans themselves .
22 Coningham said that he had looked more closely at Scott 's scheme since the last debate , and ‘ could not acquiesce in the high opinion which that gentleman appeared to entertain of himself , judging by the long string of superlatives in his own praise with which he wound up his recent letter to The Times ' .
23 However , before describing the dispute and the practices of the two main schemes to emerge out of the compromise , it will be useful to look more closely at the work of the ASEA which , in its legacy to the service , was the most influential of all the voluntary agencies .
24 It seems to me interesting and useful here to engage in a more detailed breakdown of the curriculum , and to look more closely at the ‘ components ’ or ‘ activities ’ that , when added together , make up the ‘ curriculum course ’ or topic .
25 Now we look more closely at the techniques which are being used to put Western New Age man in touch with nature and its ‘ force ’ .
26 Before looking more closely at our departed medium Doris and other psychics and their phenomena , let us remind ourselves of the main areas .
27 Here we shall be looking rather more closely at changes within the state system itself , considering ways in which it has been restructured or , perhaps more accurately , was restructuring itself , in response to crisis .
28 The contrast between what one might have expected if changes in line with public choice theory were being implemented and what has actually happened can be illustrated still more clearly by looking rather more closely at particular service areas .
29 It is worth looking more closely at the expressions he cites .
30 I want now to look more closely at how business operates and see if in that operation there are any lessons , ideas or strategies that might be the beginnings of the new direction for education .
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