Example sentences of "[adv] put [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everything 's fine , Handel , ’ Herbert told me calmly , as he gently put bandages on my hands .
2 It is our aim , with constant reminders from ( our safety officer and leading light of the safety committee ) to be vigilant at all times and constantly put safety and accident prevention in the forefront of employees minds .
3 I would be interested to hear the thoughts of any other Sigma owners , top flight racers or those who are more concerned with club racing , so put pen to paper .
4 Simon naturally put people 's backs up .
5 you know this is the initial chat if they 're interested , you know , you suddenly put paper and go back to Lucy and say okay , let's write this down
6 And then perhaps put Marie-Ann 's next .
7 Do you think we perhaps put kids off an interest in science by our sort of insistence that they have to have a solid understanding of Newton 's laws and all sorts of principles , and we lose the magic too early ?
8 Do you think we perhaps put kids off an interest in science by our sort of insistence that they have to have a solid understanding of Newton 's laws and all sorts of principles , and we lose the magic too early ?
9 If you only put people in who are owner-occupiers then you will not have all the information , all the people , who are in rented accommodation .
10 His Mum only put flowers if people were coming .
11 and erm I only put place bets on .
12 Caught in these scenes intimately , he merely put foot after foot forward , automatically , without expression .
13 At least one constituency party , in West Fife , merrily put Connery on a short list for parliamentary candidate before bothering to ask if he was actually a party member .
14 Meanwhile put vermouth , glace de viande and mustard in a small saucepan , slowly bring to the boil , add cream , boil again , take off heat .
15 When we normally when we draw it we normally put North going straight up the page , so each person , or each ship , or whatever it is
16 You can take some and who normally put things where .
17 Erm , comment was made of c thirteen , we do when we design our roads , actually already put catchment areas in , so that if a lorry load of diesel happens to split on it that , that there are drains to hold it .
18 And er a further er fly in the ointment , if one could put it that way , will be of course with the erm the local hospital whose site is just off this er the key plan provided , their decision from the first of next month to actually charge for spaces within their area , which of course will have a further effect of decanting even more cars into neighbouring streets and thus put pressure on some of the streets which hitherto have not benefited from ah residents ' parking so there will be further er obviously further requests from er from those residents of neighbouring streets .
19 The next stage in the development of an entity model , therefore , having defined the entities and ‘ fleshed ’ out the entities with attributes , is to associate related entities by relationships and thus put edges into the model .
20 You just put test question one question two you just put question on here .
21 Well no I did it last week and one of the references I could n't remember the name of the woman , so I just put Mrs blank and I just left it so I thought I 'd do it again cos there were a couple of bits I did wrong and a bit dodgy , so I though save me writing it I 'll just do it all over again but it looks like I 'm not gon na be able to now because we 've brought out here for a piddling stupid fire drill !
22 what they do a lot of these places now , they , put adverts in the paper , they did n't want people , they just put adverts in the paper , they did n't pay for it , see what people are out there and what qualifications they have to have and when things start picking up there , they , they take a pick any people they like
23 You just put test question one question two you just put question on here .
24 And then , on tape ten just put Gavin and Sue at home .
25 No they just put chipboard behind it so it stays there .
26 no , you just put water in it
27 I just put London .
28 They think we are people who just put things in envelopes — there is a certain snobbery about it . ’
29 and he was saying to me er , he says Jean I says I live and learn and er he says , you know when he says , he talks through his nose , he says you know if they had 've left Sandy Row the way it was and just put bathrooms in and he says and the way it is
30 Erm , I just put vegetables .
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