Example sentences of "[adv] tell [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And she 's not the kind of girl to be bothered by any of your smutty revelations … so tell away , old thing .
2 How could a single letter or number possibly tell as much , for example , as is contained in descriptive reports or profiles like those above .
3 Accounts also tell how he used to lock himself in the church all night .
4 There has been no opportunity to find books or pictures on that sort of thing , and in fact we do n't have any books on China apart from the Nagel 's guide which we brought with us , and please tell when you see him how useful it is .
5 One of her mates over the road 's he 's gon na try and get a grant and then pay for the college by that and then tell where to go with his overtime .
6 Besides , you a never tell this far north — it 's probably dark out there .
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