Example sentences of "[adv] common [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only thing entirely common to both was the good-natured warmth of their brown eyes and the crinkles in the skin at the corners , especially when they laughed .
2 What does happen historically is that integrated songs become gradually less common through the course of Elvis 's career , while the song-types tend to diverge , as the relatively small , well-defined audience of the Sun days gives way to a large , heterogeneous market demanding different types for different sub-sections .
3 Large single falls are less common on the sandstone cliffs than on the chalk , the former tending to slump and yet recede the fastest .
4 It is much less common on Persian Turkomans .
5 Where such exports were produced by large estates , as was usual in tropical plantations ( sugar , cotton , etc. ) , almost invariable with overseas cattle and sheep-ranching , though rather less common with tillage crops , the pattern of specialisation was complete .
6 In low politics , common opinion — no less common for being expensively hired by Conservative Central Office — encouraged him in the belief that he should fight much of the election sitting down .
7 But , within a family , it is much less common for a woman to be listed as ratepayer than a man .
8 It is rather less common for females to mate with more than one male ( polyandry , meaning many males ) .
9 As I indicated in chapter 1 , it is now less common for young married couples to begin married life in the home of a relative , except on a very temporary basis .
10 Generally speaking , it is less common for a woman to join a rural than an urban trade union and women who do participate are not so conscious of their exploitation at work and in the home .
11 It 's less common among the married and those with live-in lovers than for those who are single or separated .
12 It 's also notably less common among those with young children .
13 Clear examples of joint combinations were less common among the seven-year-olds .
14 This is not to suggest that all the anti-Hanoverian crowds were encouraged from above ; as Nicholas Rogers has shown , patrician involvement seems to have become less common after the early stages of unrest , and increasingly the riots in most areas appear to have been led from below by more lowly types .
15 Badgers are widespread throughout mainland Britain though they are less common in upland areas , East Anglia and parts of northern England .
16 Allergies are less common in breast-fed babies .
17 They are still abundant at present , although a little less common in shallow water sites than they were in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic , but they are conspicuous and varied components of deep water faunas .
18 Systemic complications occur in between 1 and 2 per cent of cases of gonorrhoea and are less common in men than in women in a ratio of about one to four .
19 Luckily , the Herxheimer reaction is less common in late syphilis , but it is still usual to try to lessen the chances of adverse reaction by giving anti-inflammatory steroid tablets before treatment begins .
20 Open fires are increasingly less common in homes today but , where they do exist , the crawling child and toddler need to be protected .
21 In a second study , Kennedy ( 1972 ) found that repetition after 1 year was less common in patients admitted to the Edinburgh Regional Poisoning Treatment Centre ( 12 per cent ) than in those who made attempts and were not referred to the Centre , irrespective of whether the latter were referred to psychiatrists elsewhere ( 38 per cent repeated ) or not ( 37 per cent repeated ) .
22 The general standard of living is so much better , I have a f—ed-up up family — who does n't have a f—ed-up family ? — I 'm screwed-up and should be in some psychiatrist 's office , but in general there was n't that much for me to worry about , and I think that 's a lot less common in England .
23 Hence this correlation is less common in only children .
24 The " largest-is-smallest " error is less common in questions set in a measurement context .
25 The equipment need not be videotaped , which admittedly is expensive and less common in many schools ; audiotape provides another catalytic agency at a much more modest price .
26 Use of the jufti knot was rife in Persia in the first half of this century , but the practice is less common in contemporary rugs .
27 It is most frequently encountered in old Caucasian , nomadic and village rugs , and is much less common in workshop items .
28 The depiction of people and animals is far less common in the East than it is the West , and , despite the fact that vegetal and architectural forms are the heart of most motifs and designs , the oriental textile artist rarely portrays landscapes or figurative groups .
29 It is also much less common in female speech than in male ; therefore , our quantification is based on male speech alone .
30 Notice , however , that although we may have views on the social class distribution of [ ta ; ] deletion ( it can be readily observed to be less common in middle-class Belfast English ) , social class is at this stage an external category .
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