Example sentences of "[adv] taken care " in BNC.

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1 Then , surely you know , it 's all taken care of — though it 's very sweet of you to ask . ’
2 This is all taken care of on camcorders .
3 Michael told him not to worry , it was all taken care of .
4 In the Ashbery I was informed by reception that my tab " was all taken care of " by Mr Goodney , who had moreover reserved Room 101 until further notice .
5 ‘ It 's all taken care of .
6 It was Rosa Luxemburg , with the strong support of the German leadership , who defended the position of the German Social Democrats in the name of internationalism , urging the Polish worker in Prussia ‘ to give up national utopias and to accept that his national interests are best taken care of by Social Democracy , and not by taking up a separate position as a Pole in the wake of nationalist parties ’ .
7 He announced his credo unashamedly in his first editorial : ‘ We believe we are filling a publishing need only slightly less important than the one just taken care of by the Kinsey Report . ’
8 The final problem , that of disposing of the young , is easily taken care of in the case of Angels ; friends , clubmates , and dealers are usually keen to acquire good Angels .
9 Easily taken care of , ’ Koenig said .
10 Although Mexico was not an OPEC member in November 1984 it cut exports in line with OPEC reductions to help maintain prices and has generally taken care not to step out of line , though it has stated that it would act unilaterally to defend its market position .
11 The upgrade is normally taken care of by the Upgrade Centre itself , but Mike Murphy , MD at the centre , told Practical PC that he 's quite happy for a dealer to do the upgrade for a client , by acting as a sort of middle man .
12 It is already taken care of Thank you for keeping me company . ’
13 The government seems set on a policy of reducing the percentage of labour contained in total costs : If this is done to make our goods more competitive abroad , the depreciation of our currency has already taken care of that aspect .
14 I do n't know how you all managed to worm your way into our confidence , but someone 's already taken care of one of your friends , and the other will be lucky if he lives until his trial . ’
15 ‘ I 've already taken care of your flight .
16 Have n't I always taken care of you ? ’
17 We have always taken care to listen to our customers and to respond to their needs .
18 This is usually taken care of by stipulating an appointing authority .
19 Use of the wrong half-life is automatically taken care of in the calibration of a conventionally calculated date .
20 All your payments are automatically taken care of for you , cutting your administration time and costs .
21 ‘ And do n't forget , provided you use AEA 's travel deals , all issues are automatically taken care of . ’
22 Not only had SAAB innovated with their use of the line-out system , they had also , as previously mentioned , used group working to operate the welding machinery , and they had also taken care , in the light of union concern about the matter , to minimise the extent of machine-paced short job cycle time working .
23 Employees are sometimes shareholders through stock-ownership schemes , but are mainly taken care of through labour laws and guarantees of lifetime employment .
24 ‘ Because although she is relieved to think you and Harry are being so well taken care of by Edna and her daughter , she also becomes agitated whenever I touch on Edna 's role in her life when she was very small . ’
25 She has been well taken care of by one of our professional crews , and offers a great chance to achieve one of these popular yachts .
26 It was Sunday pretty well taken care of .
27 And in no time at all , I did n't have to ask for jobs , I 'd got more than I could do , you know and er I was still , very well taken care of in the shop .
28 ‘ Caroline will be well taken care of .
29 I only left the house when I was sure she was well taken care of .
30 All he had said was that his love-life was being well taken care of — and it was perfectly clear from the tenor of her greeting that Nina believed herself to be in the singular .
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