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1 Sceptics argued that there was no real difference between a right and a duty ; once it was laid down when auditors would be expected to use their right to report , it effectively became a duty .
2 The Morley/Penman project had a negative thrust — ‘ rockist ’ duly became a term of abuse as casually applied by pop fans as ‘ selling out ’ had been by 1960s rock fans — but its tone was relentlessly optimistic and Morley was duly rewarded for his faith in market forces ( and in Dollar in particular ) by being invited into Trevor Horn 's record label plans .
3 The arrangement eventually became a sore point in relations between the US and Panama , which regarded the original treaty as an affront to its sovereignty .
4 Her brother , Merfyn , began training with his uncle as a motor engineer and eventually became a technical journalist .
5 He eventually became a prebend of St. Paul 's and Archdeacon of Leicester ; had it not been for his friendship with Bishop Crewe who sympathized with the Stuarts , he could have expected to become a bishop .
6 An important example is George Crabbe , who grew up in poverty but eventually became a priest ; although his poetry is deeply informed by the experience of poverty , he is alienated in many respects from the class into which he was born .
7 His power eventually became a threat , so the emperor had him taken prisoner and murdered in 1634 at Cheb ( Eger ) by two of his own officers , the Scot Leslie and the Italian Piccolomini , both of whom were rewarded with palaces of their own ( see pp. 81 and 152 ) .
8 So this individual , who I would n't have given three stripes across , eventually became a Chief Inspector .
9 Eric was going to do a trip around the world when he left Mayall , which eventually became a trip to Greece .
10 ‘ But she had always wanted to be in uniform , so eventually became a policewoman .
11 He flung himself into athletics and , eventually became a top-flight international sprinter ; which is just as well , for , had he not realized his early promise , he would have been stuck in a sports shop with no qualifications — which would not have reflected what he considered his genuine educational aptitude .
12 In ancient times this magnificent monument must have been much admired and it is hardly surprising that Imhotep was remembered as a great man and eventually became a god .
13 At first resisted by conservatives who feared its materialistic implications , evolutionism eventually became a central theme of late nineteenth-century thought , the foundation for a unified philosophy of biological and social progress .
14 His second son John West Wilson was a resident agent in Gothenburg and eventually became a naturalized Swede .
15 It , too , eventually became a vital piece in the evolutionary jigsaw that Darwin was to assemble with the help of John Gould at the Zoological Society .
16 Farming became geared to the demands of regional and national markets and harvest crises eventually became a thing of the past .
17 The band , who promised to be massive after an effortless rise to the top during the Manchester thingy in 1990 , eventually became a figure of fun in the music Press .
18 He began by building up the scout movement in the NorthEast and eventually became a scout commissioner .
19 Yvonne joined the class , became ‘ hooked ’ and herself eventually became a Medau teachers .
20 Of these , two were corn mills , one eventually became an iron works and the other probably a corn mill , although there may have been a period when it was used as a fulling mill .
21 When he eventually became an overnight star after fourteen years of hard labour in Hollywood , the seekers of his past came knocking on the doors of his tutors and former friends .
22 A crew was predominantly a male group , like any other city gang , yet the skinhead girls eventually became an accepted part of the scene .
23 Slatter also served on the county committee for 30 years , edited the club handbook , and eventually became an Honorary member of both Buckinghamshire and the Minor Counties Cricket Association .
24 began to relinquish its holdings in London and Suburban Traction Co. which eventually became an entirely UndergrounD Group subsidiary , in 1928 .
25 he never took much part in college life and eventually became an object of derision among medical students , who called him ‘ Mummy Jones ’ .
26 And here was the bonus : the positive charge of the proton is so effectively shielded that it will now be able to encroach much closer to the nucleus of a neighbouring atom without being repelled ; the chance of bumping into it and undergoing nuclear fusion , ‘ cold fusion ’ , thereby became a real possibility .
27 The Conference is the forum where Resolutions which were submitted last December and which were discussed at over 50 District Meetings around the country since then were finally put to the vote of the delegates and , if passed , thereby became a cornerstone of Association policy .
28 During those long and enjoyable hours I slowly became an ornithologist .
29 But then again , the Golden Höfner was the flagship of the company 's electric hollow-bodied range between ‘ 59 and ‘ 62 and naturally became a platform for showing just what could be done .
30 I listened with fascination to this insider viewpoint , and the moody Miss Brickell suddenly became a real person , not a pathetic collection of dry bones , but a mixed-up pulsating young woman full of strong urges and stronger guilts who 'd piled on too much pressure , loaded her need of penitence and her heavy desires and perhaps finally her pregnancy onto someone who could n't bear it all , and who 'd seen a violent way to escape her .
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