Example sentences of "[adv] saw [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The two men below saw it , but only for a second , as the window was shut with a bang .
2 I suddenly saw her as the shuttlecock in the game her husband is playing with his inamorata .
3 Irene suddenly saw her and started to nudge everyone .
4 ‘ A female Solomon , ’ said Neil , sighing , and then he gave her the most charming grin , and through the ruin of his face she suddenly saw what Matey must have known — the handsome soldier-boy he had once been .
5 People suddenly saw me as somebody who knew something whereas I 've always been laughed at before .
6 Ralph Pike suddenly saw me .
7 One day , waiting in the car in Albion Street to pick up my brother-in-law from work ( he looks like Norman Lamont , incidently , but she loves him dearly ) , she suddenly saw me , her brother who 's supposed to be living in exile down south , walking along the road in the company of a glamorous lady .
8 In its cool , silvery light I suddenly saw everything very clearly .
9 To Jonjo O'Neill , who a moment earlier had been plugging on towards a certain third place , this sign of weakness in Wayward Lad 's finishing effort offered remote but renewed hope : ‘ I suddenly saw he was tiring , ’ he reported later , ‘ and so did she . ’
10 I suddenly saw he was tiring , and so did she .
11 But , years later , Liz found herself visiting the Freud museum in Berggasse in Vienna , and there she suddenly saw it all — the red walls , the figurines , and , perhaps most distinctively , the predominance of red carpet-cushions , the characteristic mixture of Persian geometric patterns on floor and couch — a Jewish mixture , a Viennese mixture , a Freudian mixture ?
12 Yeah , we suddenly saw it
13 To her enormous relief she suddenly saw it running down the passage , she leant against the wall , how tiresome of that spider to come to her when it might have gone to anyone else .
14 For Dorothea suddenly saw herself as an old woman badgering a friend into giving up her time and company , and , self-sufficient as she had always been , the picture repelled her .
15 She suddenly saw herself and her comrades not as prophets but as a howling and marauding mob .
16 They are unfortunately exceeded in number by the famous names of the past who clung to what they knew best without being prepared to adapt or change , and slowly but inexorably saw their business disappearing beneath them .
17 Those who met him or merely saw him on BBC 's What 's My Secret ( he had burnt £100 million ) would have seen that straight away .
18 Her mother insisted the device was essential to stop her skin from stretching , but Jo merely saw it as another strategy to make her ugly .
19 Said he only saw me because he knew I would bring a present . ’
20 ‘ But you only saw me the other night !
21 Bert and I both noticed it , independently like , even though Bert only saw him the once when he were so taken up looking to Celia .
22 I only saw him when he was leaving .
23 Sometimes too he would take duck and geese as they floated on some high lochan , coming on them so low along the ground that they only saw him when the massive darkness of his wings came over the peat edge and shadowed out their life .
24 I only saw him twice .
25 I only saw him for half an hour .
26 To the distress of his family he rejected the Unitarian name in later life but not the ministerial title , though others , as he admits , ‘ only saw him as a Unitarian minister ’ .
27 I only saw him for a moment , but my blood seemed to freeze .
28 They only saw him : it was very sudden , just as if he had materialized out of thin air .
29 I only saw him a few times and he seemed to wander around in no-man 's land half the time doing bugger all .
30 Erm , cos I just thought he was guessing , you know , and he said he says , I did n't see him , he said I only saw him and pointed to this girl over the other side of the room he was standing beside you when you were in the chair .
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