Example sentences of "[adv] called [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was only called that because all I had when I came here was my duffle coat . ’
2 Fifty thousand pounds extra for the voluntary sector at a time when a recession , when so called but completely un care in the community is putting a tremendous burden of responsibility both on the voluntary sector and on we know what a good job the voluntary sector do in this city thousand pounds is a small proportion of the money that they are actually requesting from us .
3 So called although prior to the reorganisation of local government boundaries in 1974 , the road was almost wholly within the neighbouring county of Ross and Cromarty .
4 Keg beers — so called because they are kept in sealed and pressurised containers called kegs — are therefore injected with carbon dioxide and connected to cylinders of CO 2 ; in the pub cellar .
5 Cellular radio is so called because it divides the country into small areas served by a radio base , and then divides each of these areas into ‘ cells ’ .
6 In New Zealand 's ’ King Country' — so called because of the Maori kings who fought a guerrilla war against the settling English — Maori lads fresh from rounding up the droves of merino sheep from the bush clad hills would have a night out in the one horse town and go to the fleapit .
7 Smock or frock mills are so called because their shape is said to resemble a man dressed in a smock .
8 ‘ The Hagge ’ , as it is referred to locally , is built of Millstone Grit , so called because being hard and tough it was used to crush the corn in Pennine village mills .
9 This is the most familiar group , so called because many have a dark ring or zone on the foliage .
10 The box terrapins are so called because of their ability to close the undershell or plastron at both front and back .
11 The ‘ Q.R. ’ was the Quiet Room , where specific researches were carried out — so called because of its distance from , and dissimilarity to , the Decoding Room where the clattering , devilish Enigma machine decrypted the intercepts received from nearby wireless stations .
12 To the north the Celts were arising in central Europe , chiefly expanding northward , but also crossing the Alps to replace the Golasecca culture around the lakes and founding the Gaulish city of Mediolanum , so called because of its position in the centre of the Lombardy plain .
13 The most important building was the Broletto or Palazzo della Ragione , the Righteous House , so called because the judges for both civil and penal cases sat there .
14 There is a room of ceramics , including pieces from the Miessen , Doccia and Capodimonte factories , and then the Black Room , so called because its walls were originally covered with ebony inlaid with ivory .
15 In the courtyard is the Madonna of the Mouse , so called because of the mouse sitting on the shoulder of the baby .
16 Vic Wilcox has now , strictly speaking , left the city of Rummidge and passed into an area known as the Dark Country — so called because of the pall of smoke that hung over it , and the film of coaldust and soot that covered it , in the heyday of the Industrial Revolution .
17 Independent scaffolding : So called because it is self supporting and not tied in to a structure except as temporary restraint .
18 A space blanket , so called because it is a product of space research , is more efficient than an ordinary blanket .
19 The warehouses known as the ‘ Little Germany ’ are so called because of their flamboyant architectural style .
20 part of the yard of the Fleet Prison , so called because of a series of murals painted by a former prisoner .
21 so called because the weight of each of its ingredients — flour , butter , sugar , etc. — is 1 lb .
22 In Word the simplest memory is the ‘ scrap ’ — so called because it usually contains scraps of text .
23 In the second bay starting from the western end , northern side and up to the gangway , was H. Webb 's black gang , so called because everything they dealt with was black in colour .
24 The Wolf-Man — so called because of a dream involving wolves which Freud interpreted as a memory of his parents having sex — saw Freud for an hour a day , every day except Sundays , for four years .
25 LOST-WAX casting is so called because the object to be cast is first modelled in wax ( over a clay core if the casting is to be hollow ) .
26 French Tomatoes are so called because in the traditional recipe French cream cheese is used in place of the low fat cottage cheese .
27 Having set the backlight , bring in the key light , so called because it provides the photographic modelling and sets the general level of exposure .
28 On into the Room Without a Name they had passed and through to the room it communicated with , the Room of Astonishment , so called because it had a cupboard in it with a little staircase inside that wound its way up into the loft .
29 It 's so called because the electrical vibratory massager has a choice of five heads according to the intensity of the massage and which part of the body is to be treated .
30 After all James was of the Stewart dynasty , so called because his ancestor Robert had been High Steward of Scotland , and had succeeded to the throne on the death of David II in 1371 .
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