Example sentences of "[adv] already [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most babies distinguish reliably between their parents and others during the first six months of life , and so already know that human beings vary .
2 First , the Macintosh was designed as a graphical computer and so already possessed the necessary hardware to provide a typographically ‘ accurate ’ WYSIWYG display and then print it out onto the new LaserWriter printer .
3 One suggestion is that AIDS patients , like the rest of us , have suffered from common viral and bacteria infections and so already possess the necessary antibodies for defence .
4 Greenpeace executive director Lord Melchett said that if the government gave the go-ahead without calling a public inquiry , Greenpeace would return to the courts to seek a second judicial review " with our right to do so already established " .
5 Unlike Napoleon 's mother , Elena Petrescu left no memorable quotation or hint that peasant-wisdom had perhaps already prepared her for her world to be turned downside-up again .
6 Different colours , perhaps already cut into small pieces by an adult , can be sorted by teachers and children ready for collage work .
7 Such a habit was ‘ affordable ’ by those in work , those who were perhaps already engaged in petty crime , and those who were relying on the legal or illegal activity of others to support their use .
8 But for a can only mean that a " right " ( which perhaps already became a legal " cause " or " case " ) has " vanished " , sc .
9 As soon as it is well open , and perhaps already dropping pollen grains on to its own stigma and petals , pick up a few grains with a small paint brush , and transfer them to the stigma of the female .
10 In fact , the time has perhaps already come when some people would find questions about wages offensive .
11 ( Indeed at the level of ultimate reality we have perhaps already agreed upon such a system as our guide within the phenomenal realm . )
12 As this brief background has perhaps already suggested , it incorporated themes with a distinctly classical flavour to them ; sometimes , as we will see , this connection was acknowledged .
13 I wonder I was wondering whether some people were having abortion because they perhaps already had too many children ?
14 They 'd apparently already decided to loan me to Carlisle Flint .
15 So a world-war type of war is now underway in the Gulf and has apparently already overpowered the clear and limited UN objectives .
16 Below them came the jurisdiction of the thegns , apparently already organised by the early eleventh century in the districts that , as Norman lordships , were to form the later rapes .
17 Fergus sprawled in the cafeteria banquette and said the challenge was to deconstruct something that had apparently already deconstructed itself , since the book was about a painting that turned out to be nothing but a chaotic mass of brush-strokes .
18 She had apparently already put such a proposition to her mother on the telephone .
19 And that I have personally already found a problem .
20 And it was the woman had cast him off ; she knew him well enough already to realise how much that had hurt his pride .
21 I have seen enough already to know that my work on Christabel must be seriously altered in the light of what you have in these letters — I would n't be happy going on without taking them into account — and that must be true of Dr Michell 's work on Ash too , just as true . ’
22 The Chancellor was quick to welcome the signs of recovery and repeat his view that he has cut interest rates far enough already to ensure a recovery .
23 They felt they had done well enough already to endure the service at Dull , and that there was no need to martyr themselves yet again ( the Reverend William MacIvor 's sermons were notoriously long and repetitious ) .
24 It was bad enough already sleeping there .
25 As you obviously already know . ’
26 I had some guys come up , and they were , they were really pissed off with me because , my mum sort of like , this guy just done this with th th the stall next door , but he left some stuff that he obviously already had things of , which he did n't think it was worth him buying , and this guy came round , and they were obviously from one of these , you know how you get erm , secondhand erm record stores
27 Oh , no ; I enjoy myself like that quite often , ’ Robyn replied lightly , forcing herself not care , to complete the picture he had obviously already formed .
28 Under this latest Unix axis , Amdahl will offer Unix System V.4.1 ES/MP , XPG4 and Sparc Compliance Definition 2.1 compatibility , Sun Microsystems Inc 's Open Network Computing system , Open Software Foundation Distributed Computing Environment , Unix Labs 's Tuxedo transaction processing monitor , TCP/IP , SNA support , a new measurement package for getting system information into system management environments , a graphical performance monitor , support for various graphical user interfaces and Storage Technology Corp tape silos , UniTree file manager and Network System Corp 's Network Access system — much already featured in its UTS Unix .
29 Under this latest Unix axis , Amdahl will offer Unix System V.4.1 ES/MP , XPG4 and Sparc Compliance definition 2.1 compatibility , Sun Microsystems Inc 's Open Network Computing system , Open Software Foundation Distributed Computing Environment , Unix Labs 's Tuxedo transaction processing monitor , TCP/IP , SNA support , a new measurement package for getting system information into system management environments , a graphical performance monitor , support for various graphical user interfaces and Storage Technology Corp tape silos , UniTree file manager and Network System Corp 's Network Access system — much already featured in its UTS Unix .
30 The Centre now has some of the most powerful computers in Europe , thereby already establishing the potential of parallel computers .
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